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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › Problem with the EntityManager's id


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  • #25195



    I am encountering an issue with naming the id for the “EntityManager” object.

    If I use a different name like:

    EntityManager {

    id: eManager


    It generates errors in the Felgo Live Server console, such as: qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/core/EntityBase.qml:530: ReferenceError: entityManager is not defined

    qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/core/EntityBase.qml:574: ReferenceError: entityManager is not defined

    qrc:/qml/FelgoGames/core/EntityBase.qml:567: ReferenceError: entityManager is not defined

    I’m wondering if this is a bug in the source code of the entity management?

    Or have you intentionally “locked” the label “entityManager” for the id of the “EntityManager” object? If so, please add this “particularity” to the documentation.

    Otherwise, can we ignore these errors while waiting for a possible patch, or do you recommend sticking with: id: entityManager

    Unless I’m mistaken, there wasn’t this problem in Felgo 3

    Thank you in advance for your clarifications 🙂


    Felgo Team

    Hi Jean-Marc,

    Please keep the id “entityManager”. As the errors log output suggests there are implicit references within other components to exactly this name .




    Ok thank you, it was just to get your confirmation.


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