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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › PRV Issue "PVR: wglChoosePixelFormatARB"

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  • #5306


    Is there any limitations to run project if i’m connected to pc with remote desktop connection?
    I got strange issue when i was logged in through rdc yesterday. Today in real pc no errors.

    PVR Message
    PVR: VFrame attempted to use one of these functions:
    PVR:     wglChoosePixelFormatARB
    PVR: but they are not present on your machine.
    Yes   No

    Does not matter or click yes or no – project stops.
    Maybe someone else had this issue? Waiting for solution how to fix this, because almost half of work i do through remote desktop connection….

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Hi Raimonds,

    what desktop platform are you developing on? Are you using PVR images in your project? Does this also happen when you are running a normal Qt-Quick application remote?




    Hi Alex,

    Issue is repeated today. I’m connecting from my Windows7 environment to my other PC (Windows8) with remote desktop connection.

    If i run project from my Windows8 environment – everything is working well

    If i connect with rdc, then i have this error on all projects – even empty vplay qt project is not working


    Full error output

    Starting C:\Projects\_VPlay\untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\untitledTest2.exe…
    Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
    Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
    m_platform in System set to: 4 , m_isDesktopPlatform: true
    m_isDebugBuild in System set to: true
    Load config file from “C:/Projects/_VPlay/untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/qml/config.json” , adjustedFileName: “qml/config.json”
    Setting default orientation to 1 (0=portrait, 1=landscape, 2=auto, 3=sensorPortrait, 4=sensorLandscape)
    VPlayApplication: …adding this import path for VPlay engine: “:/qml”
    VPlayApplication: adding pluginPathGeneric as importPath: “plugins/generic”
    VPlayApplication: adding PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH as importPath: “plugins/windows”
    VPlayApplication: importPathList: (“C:/Projects/_VPlay/untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/qml”, “C:/Projects/_VPlay/untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/plugins/windows”, “C:/Projects/_VPlay/untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/plugins/generic”, “:/qml”, “C:/Projects/_VPlay/untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/debug”, “C:/VPlaySDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/msvc2010/imports”)
    VPlayApplication: pluginPathList: (“.”)
    VPlayApplication: rootContext of qmlViewer:  QDeclarativeContext(0xed5de0)
    VPlayApplication: using CocosDenshion for audio
    …before cocosApplication.run()
    cocos2d: cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0
    PVRVFrameSetGlesLibraryPath: C:\VPlaySDK\Desktop\FelgoSDK\lib\third_party\libGLES_CM.dll
    PVRVFrameSetGlesv2LibraryPath: C:\VPlaySDK\Desktop\FelgoSDK\lib\third_party\libGLESv2.dll
    C:\Projects\_VPlay\untitledTest2-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\untitledTest2.exe exited with code 0




    Is there any solution how to enable project run when i connected with Remote Desktop Connection?


    Felgo Team

    Does the error also appear when running a Qt-Quick application instead of a Felgo project?



    No, simple QtQuick application runs well. Error is only on vplay based projects…


    Felgo Team

    HI again,

    what client are you using for RDC? One of our developers is using TeamViewer without having any problems. Would this be an option for you too?




    I’m using default Windows Remote Desktop connection – mstsc.exe

    —–Windows 7 Home Premium SP1——-

    Remote Desktop Connection

    Shell Version: 6.1.7601

    Control version 6.1.7601

    Remote Desktop Protocol 7.1



    I’m connecting from my Windows7 to Windows 8 Pro with Media Center


    No this option is not good because TeamViewer is much slower & i don’t want to leave opened session for security reasons…

    It would be “Nice to have” if this bug was fixed.





    are there any solutions for this problem yet?

    I´m facing exactly the same problem.





    Felgo Team


    quick recap:
    PC1 has Felgo installed and everything runs fine.
    PC2 is connecting to PC1 via RDC and is having the above error.

    Can you first of all try to install Felgo on PC2 and try if it works there without any problems?

    This is most likely a problem with your graphics card driver. Your system might switch graphic card profiles (or even the graphic card itself if you have multiple, like one onboard and one pci) when using RDC. We have experienced a very similar issue once.





    When i had this error… both(PC1 and PC2) had installed working v-play and one graphic card.






    Ok, here is the whole story. I have the problem on WIndows 7 Ultimate running in a virtual machine on Mac OSX 10.9 so both systems share the same graphic card. On Mac v-play works “fine” but low resolution images are not displayed correctly on my retina display due to i guess missing retina support of v-play. So i wanted to try running v-play on a virtualized windows because there i can scale the screen resolution down to something v-play supports.

    And so in windows there is the error, which is described above. I am currently working with a external monitor to avoid the retina problems. So on Mac OSX it’s working fine, but it would be nice to get it running on Windows too.





    Felgo Team

    Hi fabian,

    Regarding the Mac retina issue: did you also try to build your games with daily build 1.5.4? We have fixed all known issues for Mac retina screens in that version – if you do have problems still please let us know.

    Cheers, Chris




    My solution of this error is by update  graphic card driver to new one.

    for example, my pc  install  GeForce 7300 LE card, the update driver is  307.83.

    Please try update your PC’s graphic card or Display card driver to new one.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  ylliu.
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