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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Push and hold button funtion

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  • #16088


    Hey everyone, so I am a newbie programmer and I am working on a game from the v play flappy bird template. I would like to change the button push function that makes the bird do its movement vector.

    I ideally would like to have a button function in place for the player that as you hold down the button the player will vertically raise and when let go it will continuously fall. So more of a push and hold function instead of a tapping function. This is the code that controls the current movement, what would I need to do to implement this?

      function push() {
        collider.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0,0)
        var localForwardVector = collider.body.toWorldVector(Qt.point(0, upwardforce));
        collider.body.applyLinearImpulse(localForwardVector, collider.body.getWorldCenter());



    Felgo Team

    Hi Todd!

    You can use a Timer to apply the force repeatedly as long as the user holds the button:

      property bool rising: false
      Timer {
        interval: 10
        repeat: true
        running: rising == true // set rising false when user releases touch to stop rising
        onTriggered: {
          collider.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0,0)
          collider.body.applyLinearImpulse(Qt.point(0,upwardforce), collider.body.getWorldCenter());
      function push() {
        rising = true




    Hey Gunther thanks for the help, now when i run the game the player will rise, but when the button is held down and released the player will not fall back down. Was something left out?

    This is the whole player.qml


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    EntityBase {
      id: player
      entityType: "player"
      property real upwardforce: -85
      property int resetX: 0
      property int resetY: 0
      width: collider.radius * 2
      height: collider.radius * 2
      signal gameOver()
      Component.onCompleted: reset()
      onGameOver: {
        spriteSequence.running = false
      SpriteSequenceVPlay {
        id: spriteSequence
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        SpriteVPlay {
          name: "idle"
          frameCount: 3
          frameRate: 10
          frameWidth: 19
          frameHeight: 28
          source: "../../assets/img/redplanesprite.png"
        rotation: wabbleX.running ? 0 : collider.linearVelocity.y/10
      CircleCollider {
        id: collider
        radius: spriteSequence.height/2
        bodyType: Body.Dynamic
      function reset() {
        player.x = resetX
        player.y = resetY
        collider.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0,0)
        spriteSequence.running = true
      property bool rising: false
      Timer {
        interval: 10
        repeat: true
        running: rising == true // set rising false when user releases touch to stop rising
        onTriggered: {
          collider.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0,0)
          collider.body.applyLinearImpulse(Qt.point(0,upwardforce), collider.body.getWorldCenter());
      function push() {
        rising = true
      NumberAnimation on x {running: false; id: wabbleX; duration: 4000; loops: Animation.Infinite; easing.type: Easing.CosineCurve}
      NumberAnimation on y {running: false; id: wabbleY; duration: 4000; loops: Animation.Infinite; easing.type: Easing.SineCurve}
      function activateWabbling() {
        var wableVal = 15
        var rand = Math.random()
        var dir = (rand < 0.5 ? -wableVal/4*rand : wableVal/4*rand )
        wabbleX.from = player.x+dir
        wabbleX.to = player.x-dir
        rand = Math.random()
        dir = (rand < 0.5 ? -wableVal*rand : wableVal*rand )
        wabbleY.from = player.y+dir
        wabbleY.to = player.y-dir



    Felgo Team

    As long as the Timer is running the player will rise. As mentioned in the code comment of my post, the running property of the Timer is bound to:

        running: rising == true // set rising false when user releases touch to stop rising

    So by setting the Player::rising property to false, the timer will be deactivated. You can do this for example at the onReleased event of the MouseArea that handles your touch input.



    Hey Gunther,

    So I think I understand what you are saying, I went into the mainitem.qml and added a mouse area to the GameScene, which looks like this

      GameScene {
        id: gameScene
        onMenuPressed: {
          mainItem.state = "menu"
        onNetworkPressed: {
          vplayGameNetworkScene.initialStateBeforeShow = "game"
          mainItem.state = "gameNetwork"
        onUseCoinsPressed: {
        MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem
          onPressed: {
          onReleased: {
            player.push == false

    This project I am working with is from the source code. So I just now added that mouse area, so would i need to set the onReleased somewhere else?

    Thanks you for all the help!


    Felgo Team

    Instead of setting the rising property to false, your code in onReleased sets the player.push function to false, which makes no sense. You can set rising to false in the MouseArea within GameScene like this:

      MouseArea {
        id: mouseControl
        anchors.fill: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem
        onPressed: {
          if(gameIsRunning) {
        onReleased: {
            player.rising = false

    Please have a closer look at the code and try to understand how everything works together – this will help you to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


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