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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › QtCreator android debugger

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  • #24434



    I’m using QtCreator that comes when installed Felgo and I cannot debug c++ code on Android device, qml only. When i try to run only c++ debugger application closed and I get ‘Unable to create debugging engine’. In QtCreator settings in debuggers section android debugger is not recognized. Debug on android is very important for project I’m currently working on beacuse we find bug that occur only on Android platform. Thanks for your help.


    Felgo Team

    Hello Pawel,

    I tried to reproduce the issue on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 installation.
    I found a case where the debugger is marked with a error sign in the Qt Creator Debugger configuration section.

    When hovered it showed me a tooltip along error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5:.

    This means a missing library on the system.Android SDK & NDK still require this older ncurses version and you can install it using

    sudo apt install libncurses5

    After installing this on the host, restarted Qt Creator and Qt Creator debugging works on Android :-).


    gregor from Felgo

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