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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › QtSensors

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  • #8651



    I know this is more of a Qt questions than Felgo questions but when I import QtSensors 5.0 and I try to deploy to the phone i get this error :


    W/Qt ( 5428): src/system.cpp:156 (static QVariant System::getConfigValue(const QString&)): WARNING: cant find config.json file

    W/Qt ( 5428): qml\qqmlapplicationengine.cpp:133 (void QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::_q_finishLoad(QObject*)): QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component

    W/Qt ( 5428): qml\qqmlapplicationengine.cpp:134 (void QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::_q_finishLoad(QObject*)): assets:/qml/main.qml:3 module “QtSensors” plugin “declarative_sensors” not found


    Even though the QtSensos is located in the Qt folder


    Much appreciated..





    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  senadb.

    Felgo Team


    Could you please add the following line to your project file (.pro), and run a qmake & rebuild your project:

    QT += sensors

    Does this solve the issue?



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