This looks really interesting, I like Qt Creator and even thought about building a cross-platform mobile framework for iOS/Android/BB10/whatever other Linux based OS people come up with next – on top of Qt/QML…
I’ve also thought about using Corona for this, although native extensions and local builds are only available in their expensive enterprise version.
Before I even download the SDK though, some queries:
Are you planning on offering local builds for mobile platforms?
I’m not at all keen on having my build dependent on any 3rd party server, plus I’d like to be able to use cross-platform assets as part of a larger project in some cases. This would probably be a showstopper for me – particularly if the only real reason is revenue protection/fear of piracy as with Corona.
Are the graphics hardware accelerated with OpenGL ES 2.0 on all the mobile platforms?
Are you using parts of Qt? (I assume so) – if so, what’s your position on the licensing issues, e.g.
Are you using dynamic linking? Has Apple approved any apps built with your engine? Is QML in use (I saw it mentioned in some documentation somewhere) – if so then presumably LGPL must apply to application code!?