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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Raspberry Pi Support

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  • #12152


    I am a newbie to v-play and I am liking what I am seeing so far.    I use the raspberry pi 2 in a few of my projects and I was wondering:  Is there a way to get v-play to work on the raspberry pi 2?

    Best regards,



    Felgo Team

    Hi Steve!

    Happy to hear you like Felgo 😉

    Our officially supported and tested platforms do not yet include the raspberry. However, with a little effort Felgo should be usable with any kind of device that is supported by Qt. There is a community effort going on that already managed to run Felgo on Raspberry Pi: http://www.ubrew.it/developers/ubrewkit/

    Maybe this is interesting for you?


    Best, Günther
    PS: We also received your email request about this topic – we will follow up on that shortly!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  GT.


    Hi Gunther,

    Thanks for the link and I am excited and happy to learn that there is a way to get this to work!  This is an unexpected surprise and I will definitely try this later.

    I am amazed how great the platform support is for v-play as the raspberry pi generally isn’t a target most commercial game development platforms will support in any way.  🙂


    Best regards,


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