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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Scaling with MultiTouch

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  • #6077

    Felgo Team


    I’d like to add a function to scale my level by using multi touch pinching gestures in the level editor.

    What’s the best solution to this?
    Can you test the multi touch on desktop system somehow? It’s pretty hard to find a good solution when you have to make a new build every time.

    I tried this in my Level.qml:

        MultiTouchArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            multiTouch.minimumScale: 0.25
            multiTouch.maximumScale: 1
            onPositionChanged: {
              //...some other code
            onScaleChanged: {
                level.scale = scale

    But it doesn’t seem to be doing anything?

    Furthermore, how can you cancel the onPositionChanged if more than one touch point is registered?


    Cheers, Chrisu


    Felgo Team

    OK i just realized you can use the “target” property of MultiTouchArea…will keep trying.

    Still it would be nice to test this stuff on desktop…


    Felgo Team


    there also is an Example within the SDK, you can find it here: PathToYourFelgoSDK\Examples\FelgoSDK\MultiDragAndPinch.


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