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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › SlotMachine Plugins : how to customize outcome

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  • #23879


    I have a 3×3 slot machine, and the config of symbol is : “model: [“A”,”B”,”C”,”D”,”E”]”

    how do I have a customized outcom such as :

    A   B   E

    C   A   A

    E   A   E


    I know that I can use “stopAt” function to specify the outcome for each reel, but it can only control the first index for each reel.

    Is there any function to control all position?



    Hi, stopAt accepts an array of indexes, so you can exactly control where it will stop, but to achieve what you want you’d need to change the underlying model.


    I’d suggest to to build your own component using one 3 SlotMachines and dynamically populate their model depending on what you want to display.




    Thank you. Do you have any example to update model dynamically?



    Sure, no problem. I’d do something along these lines:


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
      SlotMachine {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        id: slot
        reelCount: 1
        rowCount: 3
        defaultReelWidth: 30
        defaultItemHeight: 30
        delegate: Item {
          Text {
            text: modelData
            font.pixelSize: 16
        MouseArea {
          anchors.fill: parent
          onClicked: slot.display(["B", "Y", "E"])
        function display(array) {
          slot.model = ['X', 'X', 'X'].concat(array.concat(['X', 'X', 'X']))
        Component.onCompleted: display(["H", "I", "!"])


    You can probably try to make it look less fake by padding the original array with random letters instead of the Xs I’m using here.


    If you need to keep the 3X3 structure you can use reels as shown here: https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-slotmachine/, or you can stack three SlotMachines side by side.


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