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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Splash Screen won't load even with indie license

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  • #9472


    I got an indie license, copy and pasted the code correctly into the main.qml, and set the identifier and version code in the config.json. When I load my game, I still get the V-play splash screen rather than my own. I am pretty sure I have all the code correct for it.


    SceneBase {
        MultiResolutionImage {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            source: "../../assets/img/splash.png"


    GameWindow {
    property alias window: window
        activeScene: splash
        // show the splash and start the loading process as soon as the GameWindow is ready
        Component.onCompleted: {
            splash.opacity = 1
        // since the splash has a fade in animation, we delay the loading of the game until the splash is fully displayed for sure
        Timer {
            id: mainItemDelay
            interval: 500
            onTriggered: {
                mainItemLoader.source = "MainItem.qml"
        // as soon as we set the source property, the loader will load the game
        Loader {
            id: mainItemLoader
            onLoaded: {
                if(item) {
        // give the game a little time to fully display before hiding the splash, just to be sure it looks smooth also on low-end devices
        Timer {
            id: hideSplashDelay
            interval: 200
            onTriggered: {
                splash.opacity = 0
        SplashScene {
            id: splash

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Felgo Team


    please send the full project to support@felgo.com so we can have a closer look and quickly resolve your issue.

    Cheers, Chris

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