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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › StackViewDelegate Missing Dependency

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  • #25393


    Your StackView API docs mention using the StackViewDelegate to modify the NavigationStack transitionDelegate.  The sample code in the docs say we can use the StackViewDelegate to modify the pushTransition and popTransition object properties.

    The problem I’m seeing is that StackViewDelegate.qml does not exist in my Felgo 4.1.0 sources. Qt Creator can’t find it. What am I missing? Where should I look?


    Felgo Team


    In Felgo 3 (Qt 5 with Quick Controls 1) you would use the Qt StackViewDelegate as described here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls-stackview.html#transitions

    With Felgo 4 and Qt 6 it works differently. Also, there seems to be a bug that prevents customizing the Felgo 4 StackViewDelegate of NavigationStack.

    As a workaround, you can overwrite the delegate transitions after the component was created:

    NavigationStack {
            id: stackView
            Component.onCompleted: {
                stackView.transitionDelegate.pushEnter = pushEnterTransition
                stackView.transitionDelegate.pushExit = pushExitTransition
                stackView.transitionDelegate.popEnter = popEnterTransition
                stackView.transitionDelegate.popExit = popEnterTransition
            Transition {
                id: pushEnterTransition
                PropertyAnimation {
                    property: "opacity"
                    from: 0
                    duration: 200
            Transition {
                id: pushExitTransition             
                PropertyAnimation {
                    property: "opacity"
                    from: 1
                    duration: 200
            Transition {
                id: popEnterTransition             
                PropertyAnimation {
                    property: "opacity"
                    from: 0
                    duration: 200
            Transition {
                id: popExitTransition
                PropertyAnimation {
                    property: "opacity"
                    from: 1
                    duration: 200

    Thank you for raising the issue, we will fix it with one of the next updates.


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