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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › Status bar with app background color, gradient preferably


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  • #25168


    Hi Felgo

    With qt5 You have pointed me to github example with program to modify phone StatusBar within application


    In qt6 is there any different way to accomplish that ?

    This app from github … I need to rewrite it using Qt6, right ?

    Any other insights how to accomplish this phone StatusBar with Qt 6 ?

    Best Regards



    Felgo Team


    They way how to configure the status bar did not really change between Felgo 3/Qt 5 and Felgo 4/Qt 6.

    You can try to adapt and use the project in Qt 6 as well. If you only want to choose a light or dark status bar, you can also directly configure the Felgo Theme.colors.statusBarStyle: https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-themecolors/#statusBarStyle-prop

    When using a custom status bar solution, configure the Felgo style to statusBarStyleCustom. This ensures that after the initial configuration, Felgo does not overwrite any status bar changes that you make with custom code.

    The important part of the project you linked are the native Android/iOS methods that configure the status bar as needed. You can add similar code to your Felgo 4 / Qt 6 project. Another option is to use QML Native Code to make the relevant calls from QML (https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-native-code-components/).


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