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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › Suggestion: user position from IP in some internal networks

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  • #25510


    I am working on Android app, but mainly in Desktop mode. App use Felgo AppMap and show current user position on map. On Android device it is working fine, but when I run this application in Desktop mode user position is calculated from my machine IP, what is almost fine (but not always), as I am localized in my country at least.
    But… when I run my app in VirtualBox machine with IP like I am always localized in central London, what in my case is disturbing a lot and completely fake.
    I would like to have in AppMap property with kind of “placeHolder” position used in case when my real position cannot be evaluated. In other words I like to have my real position OR simulated position instead completely fake position.


    Felgo Team


    the AppMap retrieves the current position using the Qt Positioning PositionSource API (https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtpositioning-positionsource.html). You can check the AppMap::userPositionAvailable property to see if a valid position was retrieved: https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-appmap/#userPositionAvailable-prop

    If in your VM you get a valid position that is still incorrect, you can try to investigate on the side of Qt Positioning to see if this can be circumvented somehow. From Felgo we currently do not specifically handle positioning and let Qt handle it.


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