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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Trouble with calling multiple items from one query in Firebase

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  • #20272



    I am able to read multiple values from a single firebase database path, and I need to place this information into a combobox,

    currently when reading a single entry from the database I can add this to my combo box by the following;

                                    {}, function(success, key, value) {
                                        if(success) {
                                            myArray.push(value); combobox.model = myArray



    when I try to push the queried information to my combobox using the above method I receive the following information in my log;

    file:MyDiary//qml/Main.qml:260: Unable to assign QJSValue to QString


    line 260 of my code is

                            text: modelData

    which links to my combobox model:

                        model: myArray [""]



    what could be amended to handle this?

    my query code is below;


                firebaseDb.getValue("public/bigqueryobject", {
                                        orderByKey: true,
                                        startAt: 0,
                                        endAt: 1000,
                                        limitToFirst: 5
                                    }, function(success, key, value) {
                                        if(success) {
                                            console.debug("Read value for key ", key, "fromFBDB: ", value);
                                            myArray.push(value); combobox.model = myArray










    Ive figured it out!! So i read elsewhere to change to an array, but removing the array and just using

    combobox.model = (value) 

    Worked fine, also with the query i removed startAt, endAt as it was displaying the titles by their key, not the values alphabetically, so just orderByValue with no other filtering worked


    Then to further add the selected title to my UID in firebase i did the following (this works but need to develop further as it needs to use this to assign users to groups so if i would go a different way about it let me know!!)

    firebaseDb.setUserValue(combobox.selectedText, “true”)

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