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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Twitter example, bug in ListPage component

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  • #10962


    In the Felgo/Examples/Twitter example on both iOS and android, if you tap the Nth item on the list, then the detail page is not shown. However if you scroll down slightly (1cm) — so the top item is slightly hidden — then you can tap the Nth item on the list to see the detail page. Play around, and you’ll see that if the 1st item is completely visible, then you can’t select items to see details.

    Inspecting MainPage.qml makes it appear like a bug in the ListPage component.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Per,

    I just had a look – this behavior seems to occur due to the “pull-to-refresh” feature of the ListPage.
    This feature is active in the main page of the twitter demo. and the current implementation prevents clicks to get through to the list-items.

    We will fix this bug for the next update – if you don’t need “pull-to-refresh” you can safely use the ListPage without experiencing this issue.
    Thanks a lot for reporting this bug!


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  GT.
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