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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Types that are not used anywhere cause the program to end abnormally?

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  • #23878

    Felgo User

    Types that are not used anywhere cause the program to end abnormally. The reason is because the types in the dynamic library are declared?

    To create a tile map game, I used Tiled’s open source library. But it ends abnormally when running the program.

    But I encountered some problems while using it, can you help me? I guess it’s because Felgo has done some work that I don’t know about and is different from the official qt. When I use this dynamic library in qt, it can run perfectly, but when I port the same code to the Felgo project, it will end abnormally at runtime. After investigation, I found that a local variable was declared in a member function of a class that had never been used, and it was this declaration that caused the program to end abnormally. But the same code is no problem in the official qt. I like felgo very much, and hope this project can be written in felgo instead of pure qt. But this problem bothered me. Hope you can help me.

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