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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Using SQLite with V-PLay

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  • #9225


    I have a mysql database that i have imported into a sqlite database with a utility.

    My V-PlaY app needs to make use of this database underĀ  android windows and linux ports

    Can anyone tell me where to place the database. i tried putting it in the project directory but i get file

    not found when i try to open using this javascript code


    function openDatabase() {
    console.log("trying to open");
    var db = Sql.openDatabaseSync("myDatabase", "1.0", "The  Database", 1000000);
    function(tx) {
    var rs = tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM myTable');
    var r = ""
    for(var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
    console.log("Field1 " +rs.rows.item(i).field1);
    console.log("Field2 " + rs.rows.item(i).field2);



    Felgo Team


    Unfortunately that’s not that easy as QML databases are always read from a specific location.

    If you want to use an existing database you have to copy it to a write-able location initially. Just bundle the database with your application and then copy it to the engine’s offline storage path (where all databases opened from QML are stored) retrieved with “engine.offlineStoragePath()” from your main.cpp file (you can also check if it already exists to prevent an overwrite by accident).



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