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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › version code and license in general

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  • #10887


    hi , i changed the version code in json file

    i created new license, but i get an error on IOS when playing on device:

    Invalid licence key set for plugin: “VPLay” “2.0”

    appversioncode does not match, but i have set it to 2 in xcode and in the config.json and in the licence creator online

    there is also version name in the config.json what is this for?

    What do i have todo to get it it working again?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  zzzax.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Bas,

    if you change the versionCode or appIdentifier, please do so in these 3 files:

    • config.json (is used on Desktop)
    • the .plist file (is used on iOS)
    • the AndroidManifest.xml file (is used on Android)

    Cheers, Chris




    in IOS .plist is that CFBundleVersion or CFBundleShortVersionString?

    or both?


    and in Android manifest there is:

    Version code? and Version Name?




    ah when i changed the CFBundleVersion on IOS then it works, the string version can ben used for other updates so

    the uploading of the archive will work and i don’t get an error from itunes connect.


    for android i changed the Version Code and Updated the Version name and it works.


    thanx Chris!



    I first released an ios version of the app with a versioncode of 2 in the plist.

    Now on the android platform i got an error when trying to publish to the store (2 days later) that it cannot have a version code of 2.

    I changed the versioncode to 3 and created a new license, tested on a android tablet and it works, without changing the versioncode in the config.json file.

    the ios version has a different license file now will it still work when i publish the android apk with different versioncode and license?

    so can IOS app and android app have different license files? or will i break something?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Bas!

    That’s no problem, you can have different versions with different license keys for iOS or Android. Just make sure that each version you publish works the way it should and is correctly set up in terms of the version code / bundle id / license configuration (as described in our publishing guide).

    Of course, for easier maintenance I would recommend to always only keep one version / license configuration in your local project.
    For example: iOS app has version 2, Android app has version 3 -> that’s the latest version you have in your local project
    For a new update then, no matter for which store, just increase the local version to 4, create a new license and publish the app.




    thanx Günther for the superfast reply!

    V-play (and) support rocks!

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