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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Very basic installation question

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  • #9124


    I’m trying to follow the instructions here:




    I have done: “Download the open source Qt 5 Online Installer for your platform from http://qt-project.org/downloads and open it.”

    but I don’t have a “Repositories” tab in the Settings, only “Network”.    If I continue the dialog, it starts to install Qt5.4 (9G).

    What am I missing?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  GreenAsJade.


    Well – that’s odd.   This morning I found the Repositories tab, when I went to take a screenshot of it not being there.   That’ll teach me to start something after midnight.


    But I still have a problem:


    “Cannot find missing dependency ‘qt.license.thirdparty’ for  ‘qt’ ”


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  GreenAsJade.



    It seems that if you click “Settings” before you go past the log in page, you get no Repositories tab.


    I didn’t see a “Custom Installation” option, but I was given the option to download Felgo plugins, along with Qt itself.   It’s not at all obvious how many of the Qt options are required so I’m downloading all 9G of it :S  .   The selecting of all Qt seemed to get rid of the dependency issue.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  GreenAsJade.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    the installation process changed since the new Qt installer update last week, we did not update the docs yet.

    It’s best to use the Felgo installer from http://felgo.com/download/

    (or use your existing Felgo installation) and add the plugin repository from this installer.

    Please let us know if that fixed your issue.


    PS: Selecting all Qt is not necessary – the dependencies for the plugins are resolved automatically. To make use of the plugins, Android armv7 is the mobile platform we recommend to use (but armv5 is fine too; or iOS if you are developing for iOS on a Mac).


    Cheers, Chris





    What a waste of time 🙁






    Do I continue to follow the instructions at:



    … which tell me to copy a jar file into the android/lib folder ?


    Or has the “new installer” done everything?   I notice that in addition to the /lib folder, I have a /jar folder, which already has FlurryPlugin.jar in it.  So it’s not clear to me why I’m adding this extra FlurryAnalytics-x.y.z.jar, nor why it would go in /lib instead of /jar







    Felgo Team



    I have installed in this way, and it runs without complaining.


    How do I turn on logging?

    The doco says:

    logLevel : enumeration

    Set this property to display some debug information related to the native Flurry SDK in the log output.

    Possible values are:

    • <b>Flurry.LogLevelNone</b> (no output)
    • <b>Flurry.LogLevelCriticalOnly</b> (outputs only critical log events, the default value)
    • <b>Flurry.LogLevelDebug</b> (outputs critical and main log events)
    • <b>Flurry.LogLevelAll</b> (outputs all log events)

    However, I can’t get a logLevel to have any effect: I either get errors (logLevel = Flurry.LogLevelAll, logLevel=flurry.LogLevelAll, logLevel=VPlayPlugins.flurry.LogLevelAll) or nothing (logLevel = 3)


    … and part of the broader question: how do you debug Flurry integration?   As well as no log messages, I’m not convinced anything is happening.   I changed the api key to a nonsense value and it didn’t fail or warn.

    I don’t have a license key entry in my Flurry instance – is that right?   I don’t have one there because I don’t have one: when I generate the license key for my app at the VPlay page, with all the plugins selected, I still only get one license key.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  GreenAsJade.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  GreenAsJade.

    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    on Desktop Flurry will not log anything as it is not supported on Desktop platforms but only mobile, as you correctly mentioned in this forum post.

    You can test the Flurry logging by inspecting the events in the Flurry web dashboard and when you run it from iOS or Android.

    Cheers, Chris

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