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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Walls collisions doesnt works

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  • #7512




    I’m used Wall entity from previous Felgo version and it works ok in Felgo 1.5.x

    but now in Felgo 2.0 it doesnt works anymore

    Did you changed something in this area?





    Felgo Team

    Hi Vlad,

    no we didn’t change anything there (on purpose). Can you post the code that shows the issue?

    Cheers, Chris





    it seems, CircleCollider gets broken

    If I’ll change entity to boxcollider, its looks much better



    ok, some mystic:

    here is level01.qml

    import QtQuick 2.0
    import "entities"
    Item {
        id: _root
        //anchors.fill: parent
        x: 0
        y: 0
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        // these entities will be created when the game launches
        Wall {
            height: 1
            width: parent.width
            y: 0
            x: 0
            variationType: "ceil"
        Wall {
            height: 1
            width: parent.width
            y: parent.height
            x: 0
            variationType: "floor"
        Wall {
            width: 1
            height: _root.height
            x: 0
            y: 0
            boxColliderX: 1
            variationType: "left"
            onHeightChanged: console.log("level01 wall h:", height)
        Wall {
            width: 1
            height: _root.height
            x: parent.width
            y: 0
            variationType: "right"
            boxColliderX: 1
        Component.onCompleted: {
        onWidthChanged: console.log("leel01 w:", width)
        onHeightChanged: console.log("leel01 h:", height)

    here is Wall.qml

    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
    //import Box2D 1.0
    EntityBase {
        id: entity
        entityType: "wall"
        collidersActive: true
        preventFromRemovalFromEntityManager: true
        property alias boxColliderX: boxCollider.x
        property alias boxColliderY: boxCollider.y
        BoxCollider {
            id: boxCollider
            categories: Box.Category1
            //collisionTestingOnlyMode: true
            // the wall shouldnt move
            bodyType: Body.Static
            anchors.fill: rect
        Rectangle {
            id: rect
            color: "brown"
            anchors.fill: parent


    turning on debug draws in PhysicsWorld I’ve discovered that only one wall (variationType:  “right”) gets correct size of parent.height/width

    there rest elements gets something about 32 pixels

    If I set numbers explicitly, everything works ok


    can you explain this?



    any thoughts?



    Felgo Team

    Hi vladest,

    sorry for the late response. Can you please send a small project that contains the issues you mentioned to support@felgo.com? Then i can dive into debugging the problems right away.


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