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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › WASM Build Error


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  • #24364

    nks (baumemo)


    I created a empty app on my linux machine and would like to build it with wasm (WebAssembly). This works quite well in the past by following this instructions: https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-deployment-web/#build-on-macos-and-linux.

    Now I’m getting the following error:

    Felgo/Felgo/wasm_32/bin/qmake /home/username/untitled/untitled.pro
    Project WARNING: All resources must be packaged in your qrc for WebAssembly, deployment folders are not supported
    Project MESSAGE: Setting TOTAL_MEMORY to 512MB
    Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: bluetooth

    Tried different things (removing/adding bluetooth from .pro file) but without success. Hopefully you have a good solution for that issue :).





    nks (baumemo)

    Nobody any idea?


    Felgo Team

    Hi, what Linux version are you using? Did you also try the build on a Windows machine? The build works fine on my Linux testing machines.

    Is this build using the latest Felgo 3.9.0 version?



    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Alex,

    I’m using Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia. I have uninstalled Felgo and reinstalled it. Now I only can install Desktop Felgo gcc_64 and Android Multi.

    It is not possible to select wasm in the Maintainance Tool. Seems to be something strange happens. I’m have a startup license so it should be possible to install wasm support. Any idea?





    Felgo Team


    please make sure you have added the authenticated repository in your maintenance tool (as described in the email that you received when we enabled WASM for your account), then WASM should show up for you.



    nks (baumemo)

    Thanks for your answer. We don’t have such a mail. I send a message to technical support to get the access.


    nks (baumemo)

    we just got an email saying that we need an expensive commercial QT license in addition to the felgo startup licence. Is this really needed? How do we as felgo customers get such a QT licence?

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