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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Why doesn't this animation play immediately when I launch the app?


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  • #24128


    I copied some code from the Felgo website and changed it a little bit so that the animation would play once immediately when the app is launched. But for some reason it’s not working. I added running:true to the NumberAnimation so that it would start running immediately, is that not how you achieve that?

    Here’s the code:

    import QtQuick 2.8
    import QtQml 2.2
    import Felgo 3.0
    App {
      NavigationStack {
        Page {
          title: "Triggered Animation"
          AppButton {
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            text: "Spin"
            flat: false
            // The button is disabled while the animation is running
            enabled: !animation.running
            onClicked: {
              // We start the animation after a button click
          AppText {
            id: label
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            // The text changes while the animation is running
            text: animation.running? "Weeeeeeeee" : "Spin me!"
          NumberAnimation {
            running: true // This is the line I added
            id: animation
            target: label             // The animated item id
            property: "rotation"      // The animated property
            from: 0                   // Start value. If not defined, the current value is used
            to: 360                   // End value
            duration: 1000            // Duration of the animation



    Felgo Team

    Hi Jens,

    I guess you are seeing the Felgo splash screen since you are running the Personal plan. The app already launched while this one is shown, so your 1sec animation will play during this time, and once the splash fades, your animation is already done. If you want to run this animation only once after the splash fades, you could start it when this signal is triggered: https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-app/#splashScreenFinished-signal


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