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Felgo Live Code Reloading: Web Editor

Run this example on your Android and iOS phone now, with the Felgo Live Scripting mobile app!

import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick 2.0 import VPlayApps 1.0 import VPlayPlugins 1.0 App { // name of the Wikitude example to load property string example: "07_3dModels_4_SnapToScreen" readonly property bool exampleIsLoaded: samplesDl.available // NavigationStack can display Pages and adds a NavigationBar NavigationStack { id: navStack // at startup show either arPage or downloadPage, in case the example is not loaded yet Component.onCompleted: navStack.push(exampleIsLoaded ? arPage : downloadPage) } // arPage: Page with a Wikitude view property Component arPage: Page { title: "AR Example" // configure Wikitude view WikitudeArView { id: arView anchors.fill: parent arWorldSource: samplesDl.getExtractedFileUrl(example+"/index.html") running: true cameraPosition: WikitudeArView.BackCamera //license key for V-Play QML Live app licenseKey: "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" } } // downloadPage: Page for downloading the Wikitude example at runtime // this is only required to retrieve the Wikitude sources for the V-Play QML Live app, Wikitude sources can also be bundled with the app otherwise property Component downloadPage: Page { title: "AR Example - Download" Column { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: dp(12) spacing: dp(12) AppText { text: samplesDl.status === DownloadableResource.UnAvailable ? qsTr("Wikitude example requires to be downloaded (~ 2MB)") : samplesDl.status === DownloadableResource.Downloading ? qsTr("Downloading example... (%1%)").arg(samplesDl.progress) : qsTr("Extracting example... (%1%)").arg(samplesDl.progress) width: parent.width } AppButton { text: samplesDl.status === DownloadableResource.UnAvailable ? qsTr("Start download") : qsTr("Cancel download") onClicked: if(samplesDl.status === DownloadableResource.UnAvailable) samplesDl.download() else samplesDl.cancel() } ProgressBar { width: parent.width from: 0 to: 100 value: samplesDl.progress } } } // component to download additional app resources, like the Wikitude example DownloadableResource { id: samplesDl source: "https://v-play.net/qml-sources/wikitude-examples/"+example+".zip" extractAsPackage: true storageLocation: FileUtils.DownloadLocation storageName: example onDownloadFinished: { if(error === DownloadableResource.NoError) { navStack.clearAndPush(arPage) // open AR page after download is finished } } } }

1. Download Felgo Live Scripting app

2. Open the app and add the displayed Dev ID here.

QML Hot Reload on all Platforms

With Felgo Live, you can reload code changes in real-time on any connected device. While this web editor is just for demonstration purposes, you can use hot reloading also for development on your desktop.

Download the Felgo Developer App app to run your code on Android and iOS, from Windows, macOS or Linux.

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