If you like to stay up-to-date with the latest mobile development news, what do you do? Do you have the time to read every bit of news and discussion that gets published? It’s ok if you don’t. ‘This Week in Mobile Development!’ will help you find the best articles on the web!
What is ‘This Week in Mobile Development!’?
To see for yourself, check out last week’s post!

‘This Week in Mobile Development!’ is a new type of post that you can read every Friday. The mobile development industry changes from day to day. As a result, a huge amount of news and articles are published every week. ‘This Week in Mobile Development!’ brings them all together and delivers them to you!
How to Subscribe!
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What Does it Cover?
‘This Week in Mobile Development!’ contains two different sections. The first section is ‘Blogs’. In this section you can read the most insightful and informative mobile development blog posts. “This Week in Mobile Development!” features the 6 best pieces gathered over a 7 day period. This is the top blog post featured in last week’s post!

The second section is ‘News’. In this section you’ll find articles covering 3 of the week’s biggest mobile development news stories. Last week’s post detailed Hearthstone’s success, Google’s Android Experiments announcement and Vainglory’s fundraising drive.

Where Can You Find it?
You can find ‘This Week in Mobile Development!’ on the Felgo Blog.

It’s published every Friday and brings you all the best posts from the last week. If you subscribe to the mailing list, you’ll also find it in your inbox every Friday!
Once you’ve subscribed, just sit back and enjoy. You’ll get all the week’s best news and discussion sent to your inbox! And if you enjoy reading, you can share the post or discuss it with your friends.
If you check out last week’s post, you can use it to learn about user acquisition, study postmortems or find out how to get a job!
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