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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › oneSignal in my QtWidget based application


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  • #17179



    I need to integrate oneSignal into my old QtWidget based application and I could use some help.

    I have added qml and quick to Qt modules and v-play to CONFIG.

    I have also added this to my main.cpp

    VPApplication vplay; // 2 - create VPApplication instance
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    vplay.initialize(&engine); // 3 - initialize Felgo

    in main.qml there is:

    App {
        licenseKey: "MYKEYYYY"
        visible: false
        id: main_app
        OneSignal {
            id: onesignal
            logLevel: OneSignal.LogLevelVerbose
            appId: "MY_APP_ID"
            googleProjectNumber: "MY_GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID"
            onNotificationReceived: {
                console.debug("Received notification:", message, JSON.stringify(additionalData), isActive)
                // Possible actions:
                // - Read message from data payload and display a user dialog
                // - Navigate to a specific screen
                // - ...
            onTagsReceived: {
                var tagStr = ""
                for(var tag in tags)
                    tagStr += tag + " = " +tags[tag]
                if(tagStr != "")
                    tagStr = "Current tags: "+tagStr
                    tagStr = "Current tags: no tags set"
                listModel.setProperty(5, "name", tagStr)
            onUserIdChanged: {
                console.debug("Got OneSignal user id:", userId)

    It works and I can receive notifications, but apparently this is not the way to go because my QtWidget based application now has some issues with main window, resolution is not set correctly or there is alway white strip at the bottom of the application.

    Could you point me to some solution.

    Best Regards



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marek,

    Did you also have a look at the post How to Add Felgo to your Qt Mobile App for a guide about integrating Felgo? For example, if you want to create / manage your own application window instead of using App { }, you can do so by adding a GameWindowItem.

    Regarding your issue: I assume the problem you are describing is not related to the OneSignal plugin – or does this only happen when you actually have the OneSignal item in your code?

    If you already tried different solutions as described in the post, can you compose a minimum example project that shows the issue? Please send the project to support@felgo.com so we can have a quick look at the app initialization, window setup, etc…






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