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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Adding visible cursor to AppTextEdit


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  • #22082



    I am using the following sample code:

    App {
        Page {
            // remove focus from textedit if background is clicked
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: textEdit.focus = false
            // background for input
            Rectangle {
                anchors.fill: textEdit
                anchors.margins: -dp(8)
                color: "lightgrey"
            // input
            AppTextEdit {
                id: textEdit
                width: dp(200)
                placeholderText: "What's your name?"
                anchors.centerIn: parent

    How can I add a visible cursor to this field? At this point I can type into the field and the placeholder disappears, but the cursor is never visible.

    Thank you for your help.


    Felgo Team


    did you try changing the cursorColor property of the AppTextEdit? Maybe it has the same color as your current background.




    Hi Alex,

    I tried. What happens is if I run the app from the Felgo Live Server there is no cursor. If I run it from Qt Creator there is a cursor. I think it should not matter which way I run it because there is no background C++ in this program. Any idea what causes the problem?

    Thank you.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Gabor,

    what platform are you testing on?




    Hi Alex,

    I am using Windows 10.

    I came up with the following code:

    Rectangle {
            id: descrPlaceholder
            //            property int margins: 20
            //            x: margins
            //            y: margins
            anchors.margins: -dp(8)
            width: imageViewer.width
            anchors.top: imageViewer.bottom
            anchors.topMargin: dp(10)
            anchors.left: imageViewer.left
            anchors.leftMargin: dp(2)
            anchors.horizontalCenter: imageViewer.horizontalCenter
            height: dp(150)
            border.color: ST.borderClr()
            border.width: dp(2)
            radius: dp(10)
            color: ST.editBackground()
            Flickable {
                id: flick
                width: descrPlaceholder.width
                height: descrPlaceholder.height
                contentWidth: descrption.paintedWidth
                contentHeight: descrption.paintedHeight
                clip: true
                function ensureVisible(r) {
                    if (contentX >= r.x)
                        contentX = r.x
                    else if (contentX + width <= r.x + r.width)
                        contentX = r.x + r.width - width
                    if (contentY >= r.y)
                        contentY = r.y
                    else if (contentY + height <= r.y + r.height)
                        contentY = r.y + r.height - height
                AppTextEdit {
                    id: descrption
                    width: flick.width
                    height: flick.height
                    placeholderText: qsTr("\n Describe the Friend:")
                    placeholderColor: ST.placeHColor()
                    cursorColor: ST.cursorClr()
                    color: ST.textColor()
                    cursorPosition: 12
                    flickable: cursorInView = true
                    focus: true
                    wrapMode: TextEdit.WordWrap
                    verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignLeft
                    textMargin: dp(5)
                    selectionColor: "lightgray"
                    onCursorRectangleChanged: flick.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)

    Again, it works without error if I run it from Qt Editor, but no cursor if I run it from Felgo Live Server.


    Felgo Team


    could you post a minimal code example that can be run without further dependencies to reproduce the issue?




    I updated Qt to the latest version and now I have cursor in both cases.

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