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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Appium Selenium testcase

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    Is possible testing application by Appium Selenium

    or other tools.


    Felgo Team


    @günther as I understand Appium works as follows: TestScript—W3C_WebDriver_protocol—>Appium_Server—UiAutomator2_Driver—>Android_APK. The UiAutomator2 driver (executed on Appium Server) relies on the UiAutomator technology (from Google) + ADB + Android SDK and makes automation mapping from W3C WebDriver calls to Google UiAutomator technology. Because Felago uses custom UI Qt Quick elements to provide a richer user experience therefore that elements won’t provide automatic accessibility support for UiAutomator (https://developer.android.com/training/testing/other-components/ui-automator#ensure-activity) and consequently Appium. But Squish can do it. Is my understanding correct?


    Felgo Team

    Yes, Qt (and Felgo) have a custom rendering, so everything is drawn by the Qt application based on the Qt/Felgo controls and layout in your QML UI. The tech stack is thus a bit different, so I am not sure if the Android UiAutomator is usable in some way.

    Squish is the Qt solution for UI testing. There’s some information on using Squish for Android here: https://doc.qt.io/squish/installing-squish-for-android.html

    Unfortunately I also do not have any first-hand experience here.




    Appium show main form and any elements inside.

    …”Qt (and Felgo) have a custom rendering” …
    How make visible elements for Appium.


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