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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › AppSlider doesn\'t resize with respect to resolution

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  • #17051


    Hi All,

    I want to use an AppSlider. When testing how it resizes after changing the app resolution, I noticed it doesn’t resize appropriately.


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as QuickControls2
    App {
        NavigationStack {
            Page {
                title: qsTr("Main Page")
                Column {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    SimpleRow {
                        id: row
                        text: "Test: " + Math.round(slider.value)
                        AppSlider {
                            id: slider
                            anchors {right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.listItem.indent; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter}
                            width: dp(200)
                            onWidthChanged: console.debug(width)
                            implicitWidth: dp(200)
                            onImplicitWidthChanged: console.debug(implicitWidth)
                            from: 0
                            to: 7
                            value: 0
                            stepSize: 1
                            snapMode: QuickControls2.Slider.SnapAlways
                Image {
                    source: "../assets/vplay-logo.png"
                    anchors.centerIn: parent

    Try changing the app resolution to the smallest one and notice how the AppSlider’s width doesn’t change.

    Any suggestions on how to get a resolution friendly AppSlider working?

    Many thanks!


    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool!

    I just performed the following:

    • copy your code and use as Main.qml
    • run on Desktop
    • switch between different resolutions in menu (e.g. iPhone 5 vs iPad 7)
    • use width: 200 instead of width: dp(200) and test again

    You should notice that the slider uses the correct density-independent width of dp(200).




    Thanks Gunther, I’ll give it a try.

    Out of curiosity, why don’t we need the density-independent width of dp(200) here? I thought the purpose of dp() was to scale items with respect to resolution.


    Felgo Team

    Well that is exactly the point of the test I did for the above reply. 😉

    You see a difference in the width between 200 px and 200 dp, which means the Slider width is correctly resizes when using dp(200).



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