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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › dynamically sized EntityBaseDraggable Objects

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  • #4410



    I am trying to create dynamically sized EntityBaseDraggable Objects based on custom properties in BuildEntityButton.

    In the BuildEntityButton I have shapeWidth and shapeHeight for the EntityBaseDraggable Object I want to create.

    My Problem is that I can’t seem to get it to work. No Matter what I try to change in the BuildEntityButton, the button always creates a new Object

    with the default Values. The only thing that works is the right size while dragging the object (set in the onEntityPressed Event with the creationEntity property). But as soon as I let go of the created object it reverts back to the default size. I tried to change the size in the onEntityRelease and onEntityWasBuilt Event but to no avail.

    I also tried to set the size in the creationProperties also with the creationEntity property, but that throws an error.

    <Unknown File>: QML Component: createObject: value is not an object

    file::/qml/VPlay/scripts/EntityManager.js:200: TypeError: Result of expression ‘entity’ [null] is not an object.”


    Any Idea what I might be doing wrong?




    Felgo Team

    Hi Stephan,

    could you please post the relevant source code of the parts that are not working for you?

    Cheers, Chris





    BuildEntityButton {
        id: ballPreview
        toCreateEntityType: "../shapes/Ball.qml"
        width: 20
        height: 20
        property int shapeWidth: 20
        property int shapeHeight: 20
        onEntityPressed: {
            opacity = 0;
            createdEntity.sWidth = shapeWidth;
            createdEntity.sHeight = shapeHeight;
        Image {
            x: -width/2
            y: -height/2
            height: 20
            source: "../../img/ball.png"


    EntityBaseDraggable {
        id: ball
        entityId: "ball"
        entityType: "circle"
        colliderComponent: circleCollider
        selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: ballImage
        gridSize: 1
        height: 20
        width: 20
        dragOffset: Qt.point(0,0)
        allowedToBuild: true
        property alias sWidth: ballImage.width
        property alias sHeight: ballImage.height
        Image {
            id: ballImage
            source: "../../img/ball.png"
            height: 20
            width: 20
            x: -width/2
            y: -height/2
        CircleCollider {
            id: circleCollider
            radius: ballImage.width / 2
            friction: 1.6
            restitution: 0.2
            density: 50
            anchors.centerIn: parent

    ShapeCol (Row Element where the build buttons are located)

        ShapeContainer {
            BallPreview {shapeHeight: 50; shapeWidth: 50}
            BallPreview {shapeHeight: 50; shapeWidth: 50}
            BallPreview {shapeHeight: 50; shapeWidth: 50}
            BallPreview {shapeHeight: 50; shapeWidth: 50}
            BallPreview {shapeHeight: 50; shapeWidth: 50}


    ShapeHeight and ShapeWidth define the future width and height created ball. With this code I can drag the ball with my desired size and as soon as I drop it, the Ball reverts back to the default size




    Felgo Team

    Hi Stephan,

    please note, that the createdEntity only modifies the internally created entity that gets used for dragging, which is not the same that gets created after you release the entity and build a new one. To set the properties of the newly created entity, you can use the creationProperties property of BuildEntityButton.

    Add the following code to your BallPreview.qml:

    BuildEntityButton {
        id: ballPreview
        toCreateEntityType: "../shapes/Ball.qml"
        width: 20
        height: 20
        property int shapeWidth: 20
        property int shapeHeight: 20
        creationProperties: {
         "sWidth": shapeWidth,
         "sHeight": shapeHeight

    Cheers, Chris




    works perfectly, thank you very much.

    I was using the wrong syntax for the creationProperties, that’s why it didn’t work



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