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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › V-play project in 'HTC u ultra' can not install the test

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  • #16972


    V-play project deployed to android phone success, but the implementation of failure, only a small number of projects can be successful, most of the projects have failed,
    Development environment win10 + v-play 2.13 (has been updated to the latest), win10 have installed vs2017 and qt5.9.1,
    Error message: Can not create main activity
    Java.io.FileNotFoundException: –Added-by-androiddeployqt–/qml/VPlay/designer/images/texturepackeranimatedspritevplay-icon16@2x.png

    I have been stuck for several days, this is the windows file path length of more than 260 caused? How to solve?


    Felgo Team

    Hi, thanks for reaching out with this problem!

    To avoid troubles with path-length on windows, we generally recommend to keep project paths and names as short as possible.

    For fixing the android deployment issue, can you please try the following workaround:

    • Open your Felgo installation folder in the file system (e.g. C:\VPlaySDK)
    • Remove the folder <VPlaySDK-folder>/5.9/android_armv7/qml/Felgo/designer
    • Try if deployment works
      Please make sure to delete the shadow build directory and clean the project (right-click on project in Qt Creator)
      This will make sure that you get a fresh and clean android build.
    • If the issues persists, please try to additionally remove the folder <VPlaySDK-folder>/5.9/android_armv7/import/Felgo/designer

    Removing the designer files does not affect the application you are building in any way. They are only required for developing with Qt Creator Designer to show and work with Felgo Components.

    Does this solve the android deployment issue?


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