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  • #8616


    While I’m requesting small things: it’d be great if the Desktop game window would remember it’s position from last time.



    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    thanks for suggesting – we’ll consider them, especially the camera one came up a couple of times..

    @ GameWindow position

    You can temporarily set the x and y property of GameWindow to your preferred starting position, until we support saving the last position.

    Cheers, Chris



    I request plugin for twitter. I think this is important because twitter is a big socmed, but sadly it absent.


    Ellert Smári

    Nice! 😉


    Felgo Team


    Hi v-play team,
    Have a question about Play Games Services(Google Play score/achievements platform).
    I know you are already integrated with Game Center from Apple, any roadmap for the same thing with Google?
    It just says coming soon on your plugins page.

    Do you plan anything big/new for 3.0?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    Felgo 2.0 got introduced to indicate the change from underlying Qt version 4 to 5, which came with many performance improvements for rendering. There is no such major Qt version planned in the next months, thus also no Felgo 3.


    However, we are improving Felgo steadily both for games and apps. Play Games Services is not on the immediate plugin list, because Felgo Game Network supports all that Play Services do with additional benefits like:

    • no Google+ account required
    • usable offline
    • easier to customize UI of e.g. leaderboards or achievements view
    • optimized multiplayer experience

    Are you missing anything currently in Felgo Game Network that holds you off from using it?

    Cheers, Chris



    Hi abc(aka Chris)
    I get constant questions why won’t we support it if everybody does, from the second person I work with on my game.
    I don’t really have enough data to say which option is better.

    I would stick with your solution mostly thanks to cross-platform sharing but I also must listen to other arguments.
    Do you know how many people really use the Google solution?
    The main argument I hear, to use is: everybody uses it.

    I didn’t go very deep to check how usable is that Google network, will have to do it and prepare to have a conversation with my college.

    Do you have any experience where Google play game network wasn’t really used?

    Or, maybe, you have some data to say: our solution makes players more involve etc.


    In the worst scenario where I will need to have it I will just implement it on my own, but, I really try to avoid any extra work if I don’t really have to. Working on and releasing even a simple game, is a lot of work anyway.



    Hi V-play team,

    I promise, my last time spamming in this matter.
    I would like to vote for Google Play Services plugin and AdMob Rewarded Interstitial.



    Felgo Team

    Don’t worry, we actually appreciate involved users with feature ideas that will help make Felgo better 😉

    Even if we can’t include a new feature right away or if we decide not to add for now, we appreciate all your feedback – so feel free to contact us anytime with your suggestions!

    Rewarded Videos for AdMob are also something that we would like to add, so you might see some improvement there in the future. I can’t say when we will get to it at the moment though, so just stay tuned.




    I’m also interested in Appodeal and AdMob rewarded videos. Do you have any news? 🙂

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Hi Pawel!

    Sorry for the late reply, we were working on a new update (will be released today or tomorrow).
    For this update, we unfortunately didn’t manage to finish the iOS Appodeal Plugin implementation in time.
    Things are looking good to include it in the update after this one though. 😉




    Hi Günther,
    thanks for the reply. Is it possible to use the Android part only? And what about AdMob rewarded videos? It could be a nice alternative 🙂


    Best regards,



    Hi Felgo team,
    Could we ask for official changelog for 2.9.2?
    I could update the libraries but I am not sure what has changed.

    From what I can tell(based on built in docs) and what is important for me:
    AdMob – no rewarded videos (sad)
    Chartboost – SDK up to 2.6.5 but only Android? iOS still on 2.4.7(what about iOS 10 better integration in 2.6.5)?
    Chartboost – I can find no info about animated gifts support or “play game in ads”, is any of these included?

    I can be totally wrong because I looked only at built in docs in 2.9.2, maybe they are out of date.
    I really need second option for video(AdMob rewarded videos) and Chartboost SDK update.
    Btw. If I want to upgrade the SDK(Chartboost or AdMob) on my own, how to do it? Could we get some documentation about this?

    Waiting for the official info

    Best regards,


    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    Thanks for checking back. First of all, the latest changelog is always available at http://felgo.com/doc/vplay-updates/#latest-v-play-release, which is in line with the update, so no outdated information there. 😉

    AdMob rewarded videos did not met our deadline for the 2.9.2 update as this feature is still in internal testing. It will be available with the next update. If that might collide with your time schedule you can also send us an email to support@felgo.com for early access as part of our enterprise license.

    Regarding Chartboost, I guess you somehow mixed some version numbers? According to the documentation, we use 6.4.7 on iOS and 6.5.0 on Android. These will regularly be updated with upcoming releases, as usual.

    Manually upgrading is possible but not supported from our side in case things go wrong. For iOS it’s sufficient to replace the Chartboost.framework and GoogleMobileAds.framework files within your ios project folder with the latest available frameworks from official sites and then try if the project still builds successfully. For Android the effort is a little bit higher, therefore I would suggest to wait for the next update or again, ask for early access.

    Hope I got your questions covered!


    Alex from Felgo

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