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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › how to disable/hide temporary app navigation

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  • #17290



    I have an application which should use Navigation and it’s ok except for two cases:

    1. Login page – I assume that I simplty set navigationBarHidden: true and put that page as first in the stack
    2. Some initial app configuration. When app is first started user should go through a few screens to set some options. When completed these options should not be available/visible any more. Now I have them arranged in NavigationStack, so should I put them under some NavigationItem and when app is configured remove NavigationItem from Navigation ? How do I disable Navigation and other NavigationItem during application configuration ? Or maybe there is other/better way like having separate NavigationStack for app configuration mode and then Navigation with NavigationItem when app is already configured ?

    Best Regards




    ok looks like setting

    navigationMode: Navigation.navigationModeNone


    will do the trick

    But still is it possible to have separate NavigationStack and Navigation inside application ?

    Best Regards



    Felgo Team

    Hi Marek!

    Yes you can have an additional NavigationStack item for the configuration screens and only show the default Navigation when everything is configured.

    The simplest way would be to set visible: true for the item you want to show and false for the other one.

    Günther from Felgo



    That is indeed simple solution 😉



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