I’m in trouble with translations. I write an app wit all qsTr in Italian and i want to translate my app in english and other languages.
If i create an en_EN.qm it load successfully and app starts in English but i don’t want it. My os (Android and iOS) are in Italian but app don’t want to change lang. I try to create an it_IT.qm and a en_US instead of en_EN but it wont work.
I have done these steps:
- I write my app with all qsTr(“labels”) in Italian
- I generate a en_EN.ts file in “qml/translations”
- I released a en_EN.qml file in “qml/translations” and add it in resources.qrc
- I run the app and all labels are now in english but my os is in Italian
- I set translation.useSystemLanguage = true
- After a restart and reinstall app is still in English
- i try settings.language = ‘it_IT’ but app is still English
- After settings.language = ‘it_IT’ console.log(settings.language) is ‘en_EN
- If I delete en_EN and provide a it_IT.qm file and en_US.qm file, console.log(settings.language) is undefined and if i do settings.language=’whatever’, settings.language is still undefined.
What i’m doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.