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OverviewFelgo 4 Support (Qt 6) › iOS cloud builds without a mac

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  • #25295



    I develop on Windows and have built for both Windows and Android using the Felgo cloud builds. Absolutely no issues there.

    I would like to also distribute apps to the Apple App Store. I literally have no experience of macs or iOS development so when I select ‘build for iOS’ in the Felgo Cloud Builds I need to do things like upload a new Mobileprovision, iOS certificate etc.

    Is this something I can do from Windows?

    Also, I take it I’ll need to create an Apple developer account, just like I did with Google, but is there any part of that process where I will need to run it on a mac? Can I do everything in a browser like with the Google Play developer account?

    Cheers. Sorry this is a bit vague!



    Felgo Team



    That’s a bit annoying, maybe I can rent one!

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