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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Mirror Sprite at runtime

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  • #5945

    Felgo Team

    Is it possible to mirror a sprite (SpriteSequenceFromFile) at runtime?

    I tried using transform: Scale, it works when statically scaling the x value by -1, but when it changes at runtime, it doesn’t work anymore.
    Here’s what I tried:

    SpriteSequenceFromFile {
    filename: "../img/man_running-sd.json"
    Sprite {
    name: "running"
    frameNames: ["running0.png","running1.png", "running2.png", "running3.png","running4.png","running5.png","running6.png","running7.png","running8.png",]
    frameRate: 20
    transform: Scale {xScale: walkDirection ? 1 : -1; origin.x: width / 2}
    anchors.fill: parent

    Can this be achieved somehow or is it not a good idea to transform sprites at runtime?

    Cheers, Chrisu


    Felgo Team

    Hi Chrisu,

    are you running an old version of the SDK? The latest is 1.5.1 for pro users and 1.5 for free users. Please update your SDK to have all recent bugfixes.

    To mirror the sprite at runtime you can use the mirrorX property of the Sprite component like this:

    SpriteSequenceFromFile {
      filename: "../img/man_running-sd.json"
      Sprite {
        name: "running"
        frameNames: ["running0.png","running1.png", "running2.png", "running3.png","running4.png","running5.png","running6.png","running7.png","running8.png",]
        frameRate: 20
        mirrorX: !ownerOfThisProperty.walkDirection




    Felgo Team

    Ah thanks Alex – it’s working!

    For some reason I couldn’t find the mirrorX property in the auto suggestion list.


    Thanks for the help!

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