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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Sprite sequence reverse

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  • #21576



    I noticed that the behaviour when reversing a sprite sequence isn’t as expected. I want to play a sprite forwards once. Then I want to reverse the animation back to the first frame. I’ve written a test programme using the example sprite below. I wanted the sprite to remain on the last frame but it doesn’t. Then the reverse animation isn’t smooth. Is this something possible using the Sprite component?

    Example sprite:



    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
        property bool spriteReverse
        SpriteSequence {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            width: parent.width / 5
            height: width
            running: spriteTimer.running
            Sprite {
                frameCount: 5
                frameWidth: 80
                frameHeight: 80
                source: "../assets/numbers_spritesheet.png"
                frameRate: frameCount / (spriteTimer.interval / 1000)
                reverse: spriteReverse
        Timer {
            id: spriteTimer
            interval: 5000
            onTriggered: spriteReverse = !spriteReverse
        AppButton {
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            text: spriteReverse ? "count down" : "count up"
            onClicked: spriteTimer.start()




    Felgo Team

    Hi Phil,

    this is how you would create something like this with SpriteSequence. Please note that the import order (import Felgo 3.0 after import Qt Quick) is important, as both modules contain a SpriteSequence type, with a different implementation though.

    With the Felgo Sprite type, you can add multiple states (Sprite items) for your animation and trigger them as needed, to e.g. count down or up as required (or stay at a certain position).

    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
    App {
      property bool spriteReverse
      SpriteSequence {
        id: spriteSeq
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: parent.width / 5
        height: width
        defaultSource: "../assets/num_fw.png"
        Sprite {
          name: "start"
          frameCount: 1
          frameWidth: 80
          frameHeight: 80
          startFrameColumn: 1
          to: { "start": 1 }
        Sprite {
          name: "countUp"
          frameCount: 5
          frameWidth: 80
          frameHeight: 80
          frameRate: 5
          to: { "end": 1 }
        Sprite {
          name: "end"
          frameCount: 1
          frameWidth: 80
          frameHeight: 80
          startFrameColumn: 5
          to: { "end": 1 }
        Sprite {
          name: "countDown"
          frameCount: 5
          frameWidth: 80
          frameHeight: 80
          frameRate: 5
          reverse: true
          to: { "start": 1 }
      AppButton {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        text: spriteReverse ? "count down" : "count up"
        onClicked: {
          spriteReverse = !spriteReverse




    great, thanks =]

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