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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › WebStorage compatibility with VPlay Apps

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  • #16519


    Hi All,

    I’m exploring refactoring my ‘game’ to a VPlay App. I found that I did not need physics, collision detection, etc and using VPlay Apps has been considerably easier for developing the UI and gameplay.

    A crucial component in the WebStorage, which documentation says VPlay Apps supports it.

    When creating a WebStorage component, the following errors appear at startup:

    qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/WebStorage.qml:583:3: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onApplicationPaused"
    qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/WebStorage.qml:583:3: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onApplicationResumed"


    qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/WebStorage.qml:584: ReferenceError: gameWindow is not defined

    Any clues on how to resolve compatibility here?

    Many thanks!



    Seems like WebStorage is not yet compatible with VPlay Apps. When trying to write a key:

    qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/WebStorageLogic.js:158: TypeError: Cannot read property 'api' of undefined

    Is there an alternative to WebStorage?

    My intention is to use Facebook log in and allow syncing across devices to store level results and perhaps compare scores with friends.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool,

    Thanks for your post!

    There is no alternate solution to WebStorage at the moment, but we’re working on better compatibility between App and Game Components, we’ll be sure to also have a look at the WebStorage then for one of the next updates.





    I used web storage in a v-play app a little while ago. I did get it working in the end but I can’t remember the exact details I’m afraid.


    Looking at the code, it seems I had to give the id: gameWindow to the app element. I’m not sure if anything has changed since then, but it might be worth a try.


    App {  
       id: gameWindow
     VPlayGameNetwork {
            id: myGameNetworkItem
            gameId: 366
            secret: "mySecret"
            id: storage
            databaseName: "myDataBaseName"
            gameNetworkItem: myGameNetworkItem
            perUserStore: false
            dataConflictStrategy: "serverDataOverwritesClientData"
            onInitiallyInServerSyncChanged: {console.log("SOMETHING HAS SYNCED")}
            onInitiallyInServerSyncOrErrorChanged: console.log("HMMMM, SYNC ERROR!!!")
            Component.onCompleted: getStoredData()
    //the rest of my code here


    edit: not sure about these code blocks on safari




    Hi Alec,

    It works! Here’s some example code (press “Write” then “Read”):

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
        id: gameWindow
        NavigationStack {
            Page {
                title: qsTr("Main Page")
                Row {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Write"
                        onClicked: storage.setValue("value", utils.generateRandomValueBetween(1, 100))
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Read"
                        onClicked: readValue.text = storage.getValue("value")
                    AppText {
                        id: readValue
        VPlayGameNetwork {
            id: myGameNetworkItem
            gameId: 366
            secret: "mySecret"
        WebStorage {
            id: storage
            gameNetworkItem: myGameNetworkItem

    It could be the case that App defines the required functions and properties as in GameWindow.



    GT said:

    Hi Kool,

    Thanks for your post!

    There is no alternate solution to WebStorage at the moment, but we’re working on better compatibility between App and Game Components, we’ll be sure to also have a look at the WebStorage then for one of the next updates.



    Hi Gunther,

    Given the example Alec and I posted above, can you see any potential issues with this setup? It’d be really handy to start working with WebStorage now and when the official integration comes along in a later version, switch over to that.

    Many thanks!


    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool!

    Based on a quick first look the WebStorage is safe to use with the above changes.




    Hi All,

    Here’s some example code that gets compatibility in Apps for the VPlayGameNetwork and VPlayGameNetworkView:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
        id: gameWindow
        NavigationStack {
            Page {
                title: qsTr("Main Page")
                Row {
                    id: storageRow
                    anchors {top: parent.top; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter}
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Write Storage"
                        onClicked: storage.setValue("value", utils.generateRandomValueBetween(1, 100))
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Read Storage"
                        onClicked: readValue.text = storage.getValue("value")
                    AppText {
                        id: readValue
                Row {
                    id: gameRow
                    anchors {top: storageRow.bottom; topMargin: 10; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter}
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Write Game Network"
                        onClicked: gameNetwork.reportScore(utils.generateRandomValueBetween(1, 100), "leaderboard")
                    AppButton {
                        text: "Read Game Network"
                        onClicked: readGameNetworkValue.text = gameNetwork.userHighscoreForLeaderboard("leaderboard")
                    AppText {
                        id: readGameNetworkValue
                Item {
                    anchors {top: gameRow.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom}
                    VPlayGameNetworkView {
                        id: gameView
                        anchors.fill: parent
                        gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork
        VPlayGameNetwork {
            id: gameNetwork
            gameNetworkView: gameView
            gameId: 372
            secret: "helloworld"
        WebStorage {
            id: storage
            gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork


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