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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Data Manipulation

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  • #19567

    Daniel Muriithi

    Hi, I’m using VPlay to make an app with database connection. I used Qt LocalStorage to do the login and sign up but after I navigate to my home page i can’t access that data. I also want to store and load media files from file dialogs. Please help. here is my database management code

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.7
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
    import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
    import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0
    import "./backend.js" as BackEnd
    App {
        id: app
        property bool databaseOpen: false
        property color popupBackGroundColor: "#b44"
        property color popupTextCOlor: "#ffffff"
        property var dataBase
        // You get free licenseKeys from https://felgo.com/licenseKey
        // With a licenseKey you can:
        //  * Publish your games & apps for the app stores
        //  * Remove the Felgo Splash Screen or set a custom one (available with the Pro Licenses)
        //  * Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps (available with the Pro Licenses)
        //licenseKey: "<generate one from https://felgo.com/licenseKey>"
            id: stackView
            focus: true
            anchors.fill: parent
        Component.onCompleted: {
            //initial page
            dataBase = userDataBase()
        Dialog {
            id: popup
            title: "Error!!"
            property alias popMessage: message.text
            focus: true
            positiveActionLabel: "Close"
            onAccepted: close()
            AppText {
                id: message
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                font.pointSize: dp(25)
                color: "red"
        // Popup will be closed automatically in 2 seconds after its opened
        property string uname: ""
        property string gmail_account: ""
        function userDataBase()
            var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("UserLoginApp", "1.0", "Login example!", 1000000);
            db.transaction(function(tx) {
                tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS UserDetails(username TEXT, gmailAccount TEXT, programmingLanguage TEXT)');
            return db;
        // Register New user
        function registerNewUser(uname, gmail_account, programminglanguage)
            var ret  = BackEnd.validateRegisterCredentials(uname, gmail_account)
            var message = ""
            case 0: message = "Valid details!"
            case 1: message = "Missing credentials!"
            if(0 !== ret)
                popup.popMessage = message
            dataBase.transaction(function(tx) {
                var results = tx.executeSql('SELECT gmailAccount FROM UserDetails WHERE username=?;', uname);
                if(results.rows.length !== 0)
                    popup.popMessage = "User already exist!"
                tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO UserDetails VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [ uname, gmail_account, programminglanguage ]);
                showUserInfo(uname) // goto user info page
        // Login users
        function loginUser(uname, gmail_account)
            var ret  = BackEnd.validateUserCredentials(uname, gmail_account)
            var message = ""
                message = "Missing credentials!"
                popup.popMessage = message
            dataBase.transaction(function(tx) {
                var results = tx.executeSql('SELECT gmailAccount FROM UserDetails WHERE username=?;', uname);
                if(results.rows.length === 0)
                    message = "User not registered!"
                    popup.popMessage = message
                    console.log("Login Success!")
        function showDashboardPage(uname,gmail_account){
            stackView.replace("Dashboard.qml", {"userName": uname, "gmailAccount": gmail_account})
        onInitTheme: {
                Theme.platform = "android"

    And the homepage where I call the username and gmail account

            headerView: Item {
                width: parent.width
                height: dp(120)
                property string userName: userName
                property string gmailAccount: gmailAccount
                RoundedImage {
                  id: bgImage
                  radius: 0
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
                  source: image
                  Column {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    width: parent.width
                    Item { height: dp(5); width: parent.width } // spacer
                    AppText {
                      width: parent.width
                      horizontalAlignment: Text.Center
                      color: "white"
                      text: "Name: " + userName
                      font.pixelSize: sp(14)
                      font.bold: true
                      font.family: Theme.boldFont.name
                    AppText {
                      width: parent.width
                      text: "Name: " + gmailAccount
                      horizontalAlignment: Text.Center
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: sp(13)

    For the audio files. I just need to know how to save and load from path. Like a ringing tone or a profile picture. If there is a way to save filedialog data into local storage, Please let me know. Thanks in advance


    Felgo Team


    the first thing that comes to my mind, without testing it actually, ist that you might have a scope issue here, with this code:

    property string userName: userName

    If you just use “userName”, the closest defnition (in parent hierarchy) will be used, which is actually the same line, I suppose.

    If you press CTRL and click on a variable, you can jump to its definition. If you click on the second userName, you will actually jump to the same line, as it is the closest definition.

    Try this one instead. Or use different names:

    property string userName: app.userName


    To open and save files, you could use the FileUtils convenience class. You can find a lot of other example how to do this with Qt/QML online as well.



    Daniel Muriithi

    I’m still getting a scope error when using

    property string userName: app.userName


    property string clientName: app.userName

    But the app still doesn’t get any of that data. The code for the local storage is contained in the main.qml file, and I want to call the data in the third page(Dashboard.qml), Is there anything I’m missing?


    Felgo Team


    please also consider that your property in App { } are named differently than Alex’s reply suggests. It’s thus e.g. app.uname and not app.userName.

    // in your App: 
    property string uname: ""
    property string gmail_account: ""
    // in headerView
    property string userName: app.uname
    property string gmailAccount: app.gmail_account


    Please Note: We only offer coding support as part of our support offering for Felgo Indie and Enterprise customers. To learn the basics of QML and find a solution to issues like this, please consider having a look at some demos or tutorials.



    Daniel Muriithi


    Thanks! it worked like a charm. Just one more problem to bother you with if you don’t mind. I have this file Dialog code below

                        id: musicSaveDialog
                        title: "Choose music"
                        folder: FileUtils.MusicLocation
                        nameFilters: [ "Music files (*.mp3, *m4a)" ]
                        onAccepted: {
                            var music = musicSaveDialog.file
                            console.log("Accepted: " + music)
                                for(var i = 0; i < music.length; i++)

    And i would very much like to get the name of the file from the path. Could you give me some suggestions on that? Thanks in advance.


    Felgo Team


    you can have a look at the Qt documentation, in your case the FileDialog type to see which properties are available.

    To get the selected file, you can use the fileUrl property:

        id: musicSaveDialog
        title: "Choose music"
        folder: fileUtils.storageLocation(FileUtils.MusicLocation)
        nameFilters: [ "Music files (*.mp3, *m4a)" ]
        onAccepted: {
          var music = musicSaveDialog.fileUrl
          console.log("Accepted: " + music)
            for(var i = 0; i < music.length; i++)


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