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PropertyCross Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.5
 import Felgo 3.0

 Page {
   id: searchPage
   title: qsTr("Property Cross")

   rightBarItem: NavigationBarRow {
     ActivityIndicatorBarItem {
       visible: dataModel.loading
       showItem: showItemAlways

     IconButtonBarItem {
       icon: IconType.heart
       onClicked: showListings(true)
       title: qsTr("Favorites")

   Column {
     id: contentCol
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.margins: contentPadding
     spacing: contentPadding

     AppText {
       width: parent.width
       wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       font.pixelSize: sp(12)
       text: qsTr("Use the form below to search for houses to buy. You can search by place-name, postcode, or click 'My location', to search in your current location.")

     AppText {
       width: parent.width
       font.pixelSize: sp(12)
       color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
       font.italic: true
       text: "Hint: You can quickly find and view results by searching 'London'."
       wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere

     AppTextField {
       id: searchInput
       width: parent.width

       showClearButton: true
       placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
       inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText

       onTextChanged: showRecentSearches()
       onEditingFinished: if(navigationStack.currentPage === searchPage) search()

     Row {
       spacing: contentPadding

       AppButton {
         text: qsTr("Go")
         onClicked: search()

       AppButton {
         text: qsTr("My location")
         enabled: dataModel.positioningSupported

         onClicked: {
           searchInput.text = ""
           searchInput.placeholderText = qsTr("Looking for location...")

     AppText {
       visible: dataModel.isError
       text: qsTr("There was a problem with your search")

   AppListView {
     id: listView

     width: parent.width
     anchors.top: contentCol.bottom
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     visible: !dataModel.isError

     // Show either the recents searches or the currently found locations depending on search mode
     model: JsonListModel {
       source: dataModel.isRecent ? dataModel.recentSearches : dataModel.locations
       keyField: "searchText"
       fields: [ "searchText", "heading", "text", "model", "detailText" ]

     // Show a section header for listings
     section.property: "heading"
     section.delegate: SimpleSection { }

     delegate: SimpleRow {
       item: listView.model.get(index)
       // do not add suggestions to recent searches
       onSelected: logic.searchListings(item.searchText, false)

     emptyText.text: dataModel.isRecent
                     ? qsTr("No recent searches.")
                     : qsTr("No suggested locations.")

   Connections {
     target: dataModel
     onListingsReceived: showListings(false)
     onLocationReceived: if(searchInput.placeholderText === "Looking for location...") searchInput.placeholderText = "Search"

   Component {
     id: listPageComponent
     ListingsListPage {}

   function showListings(favorites) {
     if(navigationStack.depth === 1) {
       navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(listPageComponent, { favorites: favorites })

   function search() {
     logic.searchListings(searchInput.text, true)

   function showRecentSearches() {
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