The OneSignal item provides remote push notifications for iOS & Android over the OneSignal service. More...
Import Statement: | import Felgo 4.0 |
Inherits: |
Push Notifications are a great way to keep users engaged and inform users about updates in your app.
appId : string |
Set this property to your OneSignal app id of your custom app, found in your OneSignal Account.
googleProjectNumber : string |
Set this property to the Google Project number of your Google Cloud Messaging project. See OneSignal Account for more information.
logLevel : LogLevel |
Set a custom log level for debugging output. Possible values are:
The default log level is OneSignal.LogLevelNone
notificationWhenActive : bool |
This property defines how your app handles notifications on Android while your app is running in the foreground. The property cannot change at runtime, it must be set when the OneSignal item is created.
Set this property to true
to queue a new notification in the Android notification bar. The notification is delivered as soon as the user taps the notification (notificationReceived is called).
Set this property to false
to instantly deliver the notification, triggering notificationReceived.
This property is unused on iOS.
The default value for this property is false
registrationId : string |
[since Felgo 3.3.0] shareLocationEnabled : bool |
This property defines if your app shares the device location with OneSignal.
Set this property to true
to send the device's location to OneSignal when a notification is received. Set it to false
to hide the location from the OneSignal backend.
When this property is first set to true
, it needs device location authorization. The user can allow or deny the usage of the device's location with a dialog prompt.
Note: On iOS, add one or more location authorization descriptions to your ios/Project-Info.plist
. Examples:
<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key> <string>Use location (iOS 7+)</string> <key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> <string>Use location when app is in foreground</string> <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>Use location when app is in background</string> <key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> <string>Use location always</string>
Note: On Android, add one or both location permissions to your android/AndroidManifest.xml
. Examples:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
The default value for this property is false
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.
userId : string |
Read-only property, providing the individual OneSignal user id after registering for push notifications. You can use this id to send push notifications to specific user devices.
Emitted after a notification was received, either when the app is in the foreground or when a user opens the app by tapping on a notification in the platform-specific notification center.
The message parameter contains the push notification's message.
The additionalData parameter is a map containing the payload of the received notification, which you can use for further actions (see OneSignal Plugin#Advanced Usages).
The actionId paramter contains the pressed action button's ID. If no action button was pressed, it contains an empty string.
The actionButtons parameter is a list containing information about the notification's action buttons. Each entry in the list has the fields icon
, id
and text
. If the
notification has no action buttons, it contains en empty list.
The isActive parameter is true
if the app was in the foreground when the notification was received, otherwise false
Note: The corresponding handler is onNotificationReceived
tagsReceived(variant tags) |
Emitted after the user's currently set tags are received after requesting them with requestTags().
The tags parameter is a map containg the currently set user tags.
Note: The corresponding handler is onTagsReceived
See also requestTags().
Call this method to remove all OneSignal notifications from the phone's notification area.
This method was introduced in Felgo 2.14.1.
void deleteTag(string key) |
Call this method to delete a tag that was previously set on a user with sendTag() or sendTags(). Use deleteTags() if you need to delete more than one.
See also deleteTags().
void deleteTags(variant keys) |
void requestTags() |
Call this method to request the currently set tags for the user. The method is asynchronous and the tagsReceived signal handler is emitted as soon as all tags are loaded from the OneSignal backend.
See also tagsReceived.
Call this method to tag a user with a specific key/value pair. You can use this tag later on to send targeted push notifications or create segments on http://onesignal.com.
To set a custom userId tag for example, call this function like this:
sendTag("userId", "<your-user-id-string>")
If you want to send more than one tag at a time you can also use sendTags().
See also sendTags.
void sendTags(variant tags) |
Call this method to tag a user with multiple key/value pairs. You can use these tags later on to send targeted push notifications or create segments on http://onesignal.com.
To set a custom userId tag and the country of your user for example, call this function like this:
var tagsMap = {} tagsMap["userId"] = "<your-user-id-string>" tagsMap["userCountry"] = "<your-user-country>" sendTags(tagsMap)
If you want to send only a single tag at a time you can also use sendTag().
See also sendTag.