FelgoAndroid initializes the Felgo runtime from a native Android application. More...
Import Statement: | import Felgo 4.0 |
Since: | Felgo 3.10.0 |
This Native App Integration class is available in native Android code.
It manages integration of your QML code with the Android Activity
. Call its static methods from your Activity
's corresponding lifecycle methods.
You can then show QML content using FelgoAndroidView or FelgoAndroidFragment.
Note: For simpler integration you can also use FelgoAndroidActivity. It does not require manual forwarding of lifecycle methods.
You can also use setQtInitHandler() to register a callback for Qt runtime initialization.
See also FelgoAndroidActivity.
void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) |
Call this method from your Activity.onCreate()
implementation with parameter(savedInstanceState).
void onActivityDestroyed() |
Call this method from your Activity.onDestroy()
void onActivityPaused() |
Call this method from your Activity.onPause()
Call this method from your Activity.onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
implementation and use requestCode , resultCode and data.
void onActivityResumed() |
Call this method from your Activity.onResume()
void onActivityStarted() |
Call this method from your Activity.onStart()
void onActivityStopped() |
Call this method from your Activity.onStop()
Call this method from your Activity.onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults)
implementation and use requestCode, permissions and
void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) |
Call this method from your Activity.onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
implementation and use outState.
void setQtInitHandler(QtInitHandler qtInitHandler) |
This method registers a global callback for Qt initialization.
For the qtInitHandler parameter, pass an implementation of the interface QtInitHandler
. It provides 2 methods for Qt's startup process.
It calls QtInitHandler.onQtInitializing()
when Qt is starting, before C++ main()
. You can use it to perform any initialization logic of your app.
It calls QtInitHandler.onQtInitialized()
when Qt has started, from inside main()
. This callback happens after creation of the QApplication
and QQmlEngine but before initialization of any QML views. You can use it to load custom native libraries and e.g. register custom QML plugins.
Note: Both callbacks happen on the Qt thread, not the main Android UI thread.