R.U.B.E. (Really Useful Box2D Editor) is a graphical editor for Box2D objects. This game demonstrates how you can use RUBE to create custom levels for a side scroller game.
Genre | Side Scroller |
Complexity | Advanced |
Tutorial | How to Make a Side Scroller with RUBE and Felgo |
Project Location | <Path to your Felgo SDK>/Examples/Felgo/demos/RubeSidescroller/RubeSidescroller.pro |
To run this demo, open the .pro file with Qt Creator. |
R.U.B.E. (Really Useful Box2D Editor) is a graphical editor for Box2D objects. This game demonstrates how you can use RUBE to create custom levels for a side scroller game.
A tutorial how to create this game can be found here: How to Make a Side Scroller with RUBE and Felgo.
We also provide the full source code of this demo in the Felgo SDK here.