Defines the default appearance of SimpleRow list items. More...
Import Statement: | import Felgo 4.0 |
Since: | Felgo 2.6.2 |
Inherits: | |
Inherited By: |
This type is used in the global Theme object to set the default appearance of SimpleRow items. You may access the settings with the Theme::listItem property.
[since Felgo 2.17.0] activeBackgroundColor : color |
The background color of the row when SimpleRow::active is set to true
. Matches the backgroundColor
by default.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.17.0.
[since Felgo 3.7.0] activeDetailTextColor : color |
The color of the detailText if active is set to true
. It is set to detailTextColor by default.
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
activeTextColor : color |
The color of text when SimpleRow::active is set to true
. It is set to Theme::tintColor by default.
backgroundColor : color |
The background color of the row. By default the background color is white
[since Felgo 2.16.1] badgeBackgroundColor : color |
The background color of the displayed SimpleRow::badgeValue. The default background color is Theme::tintColor.
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.16.1.
[since Felgo 2.16.1] badgeFontSize : real |
The font size of the displayed SimpleRow::badgeValue. The default value is 15
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.16.1.
[since Felgo 2.16.1] badgeRadius : real |
The corner radius of the background of the displayed SimpleRow::badgeValue. The default value is -1
, setting the radius to the height of the badge.
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.16.1.
[since Felgo 2.16.1] badgeTextColor : color |
The text color of the displayed SimpleRow::badgeValue. The default color is white
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.16.1.
detailTextColor : color |
The text color of the SimpleRow::detailText in the row. By default the text color matches Theme::secondaryTextColor.
disabledTextColor : color |
The color of text when SimpleRow::enabled is set to false
. It is set to a 25% opacity textColor by default.
disclosureColor : color |
The color of the row disclosure arrow on iOS.
dividerColor : color |
The color of the row divider line. By default the divider color is Theme::dividerColor.
dividerHeight : real |
The height of the row divider line, in pixels. By default the divider height matches the platform-specific styles.
dividerLeftSpacing : real |
fontSizeDetailText : real |
The size of the displayed SimpleRow::detailText, in App::sp(). The default value is 15
[since Felgo 3.7.0] fontSizeRightText : real |
The size of the displayed SimpleRow::text, in App::sp(). It is set to fontSizeText by default.
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
fontSizeText : real |
The size of the displayed SimpleRow::text, in App::sp(). The default value is 16
iconSize : real |
The size of the SimpleRow::icon, in pixels. The default value is based on the Theme::defaultIconSize configuration.
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
imageSize : real |
The size of the SimpleRow::image if SimpleRow::autoSizeImage is not used. It is set to 22
App::dp() initially.
indent : real |
The indent for the content of the list item, in pixels. It is based on the Theme::navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding setting by default.
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
minimumHeight : real |
Specifies the minimum height of the row in App::dp(). By default it matches the platform-specific list item height.
[since Felgo 3.7.0] mutedOpacity : real |
The opacity applied to make the content translucent if muted is set.
The default value is 0.38
, so the opacity will be set to 38%.
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
[since Felgo 3.7.0] rightTextColor : color |
The color of the rightText in the row. The default value is Qt.darker(disclosureColor, 1.3)
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
selectedBackgroundColor : color |
The background color of a row while it is being selected. By default it matches platform-specific colors.
[since Felgo 3.7.0] selectedDetailTextColor : color |
The color of the detailText while the row is being selected. By default it matches the detailTextColor.
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
[since Felgo 2.17.0] selectedTextColor : color |
The color of the SimpleRow::text while the row is being selected. By default it matches the textColor.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.17.0.
showDisclosure : bool |
Set this property to true
to display a disclosure indicator for enabled items. This property is true
on iOS by default and on
all other platforms to follow common platform
[since Felgo 3.7.0] showDivider : bool |
Set this property to true, to show bottom divider lines. The default value is true
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.
spacing : real |
The spacing on top and bottom of the row, in pixels. The default value is 12
Note: This property is not used in AppListItem.
textColor : color |
The color of the SimpleRow::text in the row. By default the text color matches Theme::textColor.
[since Felgo 3.7.0] textVerticalSpacing : real |
The vertical space between the textItem and the detailTextItem. The default value is 4
This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.