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The basic item for any type of lists, with text, images, icons etc. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0




Detailed Description

The AppListItem is intended for use with models within an AppListView as well as custom lists e.g. with a Column. Examples for both will be given in this document.

iOS Android

Anatomy of the AppListItem

This is a visible representation of the most important content and layout properties of the AppListItem:

Example Usage

Basic AppListItem Example

This is a very minimal example with just texts and listening to clicks on the item:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "AppListItem"

       AppListItem {
         text: "Hi"
         detailText: "You look great!"
         onSelected: {
           console.debug("AppListItem selected")

Basic AppListItem Examples with Models

Here are 3 examples how to use an AppListItem with an AppListView, a Repeater and a completely custom list.

Use AppListItem with AppListView

This example shows a very basic usage if AppListItem within an AppListView to display data in a list:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   id: app

   property var myModel: [
     {label: "Item 1", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 2", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 3", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 4", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 5", info: "Some more info"},

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "AppListView"

       AppListView {
         model: app.myModel

         delegate: AppListItem {
           text: modelData.label
           detailText: modelData.info

Use AppListItem with Repeater

This example uses a Repeater with a Column inside an AppFlickable. In certain use-cases, this offers more flexibility than using an AppListView:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   id: app

   property var myModel: [
     {label: "Item 1", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 2", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 3", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 4", info: "Some more info"},
     {label: "Item 5", info: "Some more info"},

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "Repeater"

       AppFlickable {
         anchors.fill: parent
         contentHeight: column.height

         Column {
           id: column
           width: parent.width

           Repeater {
             model: app.myModel

             delegate: AppListItem {
               text: modelData.label
               detailText: modelData.info

Use AppListItem without any Model

This example simply puts custom list items in a column, without any model:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   id: app

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "Repeater"

       AppFlickable {
         anchors.fill: parent
         contentHeight: column.height

         Column {
           id: column
           width: parent.width

           AppListItem {
             text: "Some text"
             detailText: "And some detailText"
           AppListItem {
             text: "Some other text"
             detailText: "And some totally different detailText"

Advanced AppListItem Examples

Use AppListItem with AppListView and Sections

This example uses a SortFilterProxyModel to sort a JsonListModel by its sections and then display the resulting list with visible sections:

 import QtQuick
 import Felgo

 App {
   id: app

   property var jsonData: [
     {id: 1, title: "Apple", type: "Fruit"},
     {id: 2, title: "Ham", type: "Meat"},
     {id: 3, title: "Bacon", type: "Meat"},
     {id: 4, title: "Banana", type: "Fruit"},
     {id: 5, title: "Strawberry", type: "Fruit"}

   // list model for json data
   JsonListModel {
     id: jsonModel
     source: jsonData
     keyField: "id"
     fields: ["id","title","type"]

   SortFilterProxyModel {
     id: sortedModel
     // Note: when using JsonListModel, the sorters or filter might not be applied correctly when directly assigning sourceModel
     // use the Component.onCompleted handler instead to initialize SortFilterProxyModel
     Component.onCompleted: sourceModel = jsonModel
     sorters: LocaleAwareSorter { id: typeSorter; roleName: "type"; ascendingOrder: true }

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "Sections"

       AppListView {
         model: sortedModel
         section.property: "type"
         section.delegate: SimpleSection { }

         delegate: AppListItem {
           text: model.title
           detailText: model.type

Use custom Items within an AppListItem

You can also find a longer list of examples for customized list items here: Customize AppListItems for custom Lists.

This is a simple example where both leftItem and rightItem are replaced with custom QML items:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   id: app

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "Repeater"

       AppListItem {
         text: "General"

         leftItem: Rectangle {
           color: "grey"
           radius: dp(5)
           width: dp(26)
           height: width
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           AppIcon {
             iconType: IconType.cog
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             color: "white"

         rightItem: Rectangle {
           color: "red"
           radius: width/2
           width: dp(22)
           height: width
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           AppText {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             color: "white"
             text: "1"

More Frequently Asked Development Questions

Find more examples for frequently asked development questions and important concepts in the following guides:

Property Documentation

active : bool

The property indicates if a list item is currently active. This can be used to apply different colors.

The default value is false

See also activeBackgroundColor, activeTextColor, and activeDetailTextColor.

activeBackgroundColor : color

The background color of the list item if it is active.

The default value is Theme.listItem.activeBackgroundColor.

See also backgroundColor and selectedBackgroundColor.

activeDetailTextColor : color

The color of the secondary text, if the list item is active.

The default value is Theme.listItem.activeDetailTextColor

See also detailText.

activeTextColor : color

The color of the main text, if the list item is active.

The default value is Theme.listItem.tintColor

See also text.

backgroundColor : color

The background color of the list item.

The default value is Theme.listItem.backgroundColor.

See also selectedBackgroundColor and activeBackgroundColor.

backgroundRadius : real

When the insetStyle is used, the first and last AppListItem within a list section show with rounded corners. Specify the backgroundRadius property to control the radius of the rounded corners. By default a radius of dp(12) is used.

See also insetStyle, leftMargin, rightMargin, firstInSection, and lastInSection.

bottomPadding : real

The vertical padding added below the detailTextItem. Note that this is not used if the list item height would be lower than dp(Theme.listItem.minimumHeight).

The default value is dp(10) on iOS and dp(12) on all other platforms.

detailText : string

The secondary text displayed in the list item.

The default secondary text item can be replaced if you provide a detailTextItem.

See also detailTextColor, selectedDetailTextColor, activeDetailTextColor, detailTextFontSize, detailTextMaximumLineCount, textVerticalSpacing, and detailTextItem.

detailTextColor : color

The color of the secondary text, in default state.

The default value is Theme.listItem.detailTextColor

See also detailText.

detailTextFontSize : real

The size of the secondary text.

The default value is sp(Theme.listItem.fontSizeDetailText)

See also detailText.

detailTextItem : Item

Use this property to put a custom QML item in the detailText slot of the list item. This will overwrite the default text item created if the detailText property is set.

See also detailText.

detailTextMaximumLineCount : int

The maximum line count of the secondary text, before elide is applied.

The default value is 1000

See also detailText.

disclosureColor : color

The color of the disclosure item.

The default value is Theme.listItem.disclosureColor

See also showDisclosure.

disclosureItem : Item

Use this property to put a custom QML item in the disclosure slot of the list item. This will overwrite the default icon item created if the showDisclosure property is set.

See also showDisclosure.

dividerColor : color

The color of the bottom divider line.

The default valie is Theme.listItem.dividerColor

See also showDivider.

dividerHeight : real

The height of the bottom divider line.

The default valie is px(Theme.listItem.dividerHeight)

See also showDivider.

dividerLeftSpacing : real

The left spacing of the bottom divider line.

By default, the divider will align with the left edge of the text in the list item on iOS. On all other platforms it will cover the full width of the list item.

If the list item is used within an AppListView, the last item in the list will also show a full-width divider. If the AppListView uses sections, the last list item of every section will show a full-width divider.

You can also set lastInSection to true manually to use a full-width divider.

See also showDivider and lastInSection.

firstInSection : bool

When the insetStyle is used, the first and last AppListItem within a list section show with rounded corners. The firstInSection property decides whether rounded corners at the top are applied.

If the list item is used within an AppListView, the firstInSection property will be determined automatically. Otherwise the default value is false.

You can also set this property to true if you want to apply rounded corners when using the insetStyle in custom layouts.

See also insetStyle, leftMargin, rightMargin, backgroundRadius, and lastInSection.

image : string

Provide the url of an image to display it in the row.

 AppListItem {
   text: "Item with Image"
   image: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/someImage.png")

The default image item can be replaced if you provide a leftItem.

See also imageSize, imageRadius, and imageFillMode.

imageFillMode : real

The fillMode of the image used in the list item.

The default value is Image.PreserveAspectCrop

imageRadius : real

The radius of the image used in the list item.

By default, the image is a circle, thus the radius is imageSize/2

imageSize : int

The size of the image used in the list item.

The default sizes are:

insetStyle : bool

Changes the style of the list item to appear with a horizontal inset and rounded corners. This matches the inset list style of native iOS apps. By default this property is false and the classic full-width style is used.

To use the inset list style on iOS, set the property to Theme.isIos:

 import Felgo

 App {
   ListPage {
     model: [
       { name: "Apple", type: "Fruits" },
       { name: "Banana", type: "Fruits" },
       { name: "Potato", type: "Vegetables"}
     delegate: AppListItem {
       text: modelData.name
       insetStyle: Theme.isIos
     section.property: "type"
     section.delegate: SimpleSection {
       style.showDividers: false

If you use the AppListItem outside of a model-based list or repeater, you need to apply the rounded corners using the firstInSection and lastInSection properties:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: qsTr("Inset Style")
       backgroundColor: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

       Column {
         width: parent.width

         SimpleSection {
           title: "Section"
           style.showDividers: false
         AppListItem {
           text: "First"
           insetStyle: true
           firstInSection: true // shows rounded corners on top
         AppListItem {
           text: "Second"
           insetStyle: true
           lastInSection: true // shows rounded corners on bottom
         SimpleSection {
           title: "Another Section"
           style.showDividers: false
         AppListItem {
           text: "Single Item"
           insetStyle: true
           firstInSection: true
           lastInSection: true

lastInSection : bool

When the insetStyle is used, the first and last AppListItem within a list section show with rounded corners. The lastInSection property decides whether rounded corners at the bottom are applied.

If the list item is used within an AppListView, the lastInSection property will be determined automatically. Otherwise the default value is false.

When not using the insetStyle, this property will cause the bottom divider on iOS to be drawn full-width. On other platforms it does not have any visual effect in this case.

You can also set this property to true if you want to apply rounded corners when using the insetStyle in custom layouts.

See also insetStyle, leftMargin, rightMargin, backgroundRadius, and firstInSection.

leftItem : Item

Use this property to put a custom QML item in the left slot of the list item. This will overwrite the default image item created if the image property is set.

See also image.

leftMargin : real

The horizontal margin to the left of the item. The default value is 0. When using the insetStyle, the default value matches the Theme.contentPadding.

See also insetStyle, rightMargin, backgroundRadius, firstInSection, and lastInSection.

leftPadding : real

The horizontal padding in on the on the left side of the list item.

The default value is dp(Theme.contentPadding)

mouseArea : alias

Alias to the internal RippleMouseArea. This can be used e.g. to disable the internal RippleMouseArea without disabling the whole list item, for example to put a switch there:

 AppListItem {
   text: "This is a switch"
   showDisclosure: false
   mouseArea.enabled: false

   rightItem: AppSwitch {
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
     checked: true

muted : bool

Set this property to visually mute/disable the item, causing all content to be translucent using mutedOpacity.

Setting this property to true will also set enabled of the list item to false, so it will not react to any clicks.

If you just want to disable clicks on the list item without any visual effect, set enabled of the AppListItem to false. If you have controls inside the AppListItem that should stay enabled, while the rest of the list item should be disabled, you can use mouseArea.enabled: false to only disable the internal RippleMouseArea.

The default value is false

See also mutedOpacity and mouseArea.

mutedOpacity : real

The opacity applied to make the content translucent if muted is set.

The default value is 0.38, so the opacity will be set to 38%.

See also muted.

rightItem : Item

Use this property to put a custom QML item in the right slot of the list item. This will overwrite the default text item created if the rightText property is set.

See also rightText.

rightMargin : real

The horizontal margin to the right of the item. The default value is 0. When using the insetStyle, the default value matches the Theme.contentPadding.

See also insetStyle, leftMargin, backgroundRadius, firstInSection, and lastInSection.

rightPadding : real

The horizontal padding in on the on the right side of the list item.

The default value is dp(Theme.contentPadding)

rightText : string

The text displayed on the right side of the list item. If a disclosure is shown, it will align with it.

The default right text item can be replaced if you provide a rightItem.

See also rightTextColor, rightTextFontSize, rightTextMaxWidth, and rightItem.

rightTextColor : color

The color of the right text, in default state.

The default value is Theme.listItem.rightTextColor

See also rightText.

rightTextFontSize : real

The size of the right text.

The default value is sp(Theme.listItem.fontSizeRightText)

See also rightText.

rightTextMaxWidth : real

The maximum width of the right text, before elide is applied.

This is very important to set if the right text can be very long, else the text and detailText may be pushed out of the list item.

The default value is 0 which means there is no limit on the max width. Set a value >1 here to apply a limit.

See also rightText.

selectedBackgroundColor : color

The background color of the list item if selected (while the internal RippleMouseArea is pressed).

The default value is Theme.listItem.selectedBackgroundColor.

See also backgroundColor and activeBackgroundColor.

selectedDetailTextColor : color

The color of the secondary text, when selected.

The default value is Theme.listItem.selectedDetailTextColor

See also detailText.

selectedTextColor : color

The color of the main text, when selected.

The default value is Theme.listItem.selectedTextColor

See also text.

showDisclosure : bool

Set this to false to hide the disclosure icon of the row, which is displayed by default on iOS.

The default value is Theme.listItem.showDisclosure

See also disclosureColor and disclosureItem.

showDivider : bool

Set this to false to hide the bottom divider line of the row, which is displayed by default on all platforms.

The default value is Theme.listItem.showDivider

See also dividerColor, dividerHeight, and dividerLeftSpacing.

text : string

The main text displayed in the list item.

The default main text item can be replaced if you provide a textItem.

See also textColor, selectedTextColor, activeTextColor, textFontSize, textMaximumLineCount, textVerticalSpacing, and detailTextItem.

textColor : color

The color of the main text, in default state.

The default value is Theme.listItem.textColor

See also text.

textFontSize : real

The size of the main text.

The default value is sp(Theme.listItem.fontSizeText)

See also text.

textItem : Item

Use this property to put a custom QML item in the text slot of the list item. This will overwrite the default text item created if the text property is set.

See also text.

[read-only] textItemAvailableWidth : real

This is a readonly helper property, that provides the available width for the textItem and detailTextItem. It can be used for custom QML items placed in those slots.

 AppListItem {
   id: listItem
   showDisclosure: false
   mouseArea.enabled: false
   topPadding: 0
   bottomPadding: 0

   leftItem: AppIcon {
     iconType: IconType.moono
     width: sp(26)
     height: width
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

   textItem: AppSlider {
     height: dp(45)
     width: listItem.textItemAvailableWidth
     value: 0.3

   rightItem: AppIcon {
     iconType: IconType.suno
     width: sp(26)
     height: width
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

The value will be calculated with respect to the leftItem, rightItem, disclosureItem width values and any paddings/spacings that are applied.

textMaximumLineCount : int

The maximum line count of the main text, before elide is applied.

The default value is 1000

See also text.

textVerticalSpacing : real

The vertical space between the textItem and the detailTextItem.

The default value is dp(Theme.listItem.textVerticalSpacing)

See also text and detailText.

topPadding : real

The vertical padding added above the textItem. Note that this is not used if the list item height would be lower than Theme.listItem.minimumHeight.

The default value is dp(10) on iOS and dp(12) on all other platforms.

Signal Documentation

selected(int index)

Emitted when this list item has been clicked. If the list item is used within a Repeater or AppListView, the index of the item in the model will be passed as well.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSelected.

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