In this demo you play a ninja and throw stars against the invading monsters. It is a very simple game with just 150 lines of code. This is 60% less compared to the C++ version of Ray Wenderlich.
Genre | Action |
Complexity | Simple |
Project Location | <Path to your Felgo SDK>/Examples/Felgo/demos/SimpleGameCocosNinja/SimpleGameCocosNinja.pro |
To run this demo, open the .pro file with Qt Creator. |
In this demo you play a ninja and throw stars against invading monsters. It is a very simple game containing of only a single QML file with 150 lines of code.
It features multi-resolution images, switching between 2 scenes, physics for collision detection, audio and animations for movement of the monsters and stars.
This game idea and its image and audio resources are from the excellent cocos2d tutorial on Ray Wenderlich's site http://www.raywenderlich.com/25736/how-to-make-a-simple-iphone-game-with-cocos2d-2-x-tutorial. The tutorial is written for the cocos2d-iphone version. In the cocos2d-x branch the same game is written in C++, which is added to the sources in the folder Demos/SimpleGameCocosNinja/cocos2d-x-Comparison.
The very same game functionality as described in the tutorial is done with Felgo in this demo, to show how much code can be saved by using QML and the Felgo Games. In fact, the same game is implemented with less than 60% of the original source code in C++! From 369 lines of code only 150 remain with Felgo.
This is the complete source code for this game:
/* In this demo you play a ninja and throw stars against invading monsters. It is a very simple game containing of only a single QML file with 150 lines of code. It features multi-resolution images, switching between 2 scenes, physics for collision detection, audio and animations for movement of the monsters and stars. This game idea and its image and audio resources are from the excellent cocos2d tutorial on Ray Wenderlich's site http://www.raywenderlich.com/25736/how-to-make-a-simple-iphone-game-with-cocos2d-2-x-tutorial. The tutorial is written for the cocos2d-iphone version. In the cocos2d-x branch the same game is written in C++, which is added to the sources in the folder Demos/SimpleGameCocosNinja/cocos2d-x-Comparison folder. The very same game functionality as described in the tutorial is done with Felgo in this demo, to show how much code can be saved by using QML and Felgo Games. In fact, the same game is implemented with less than 60% of the original source code in C++! From 369 lines of code only 150 remain with with Felgo. */ import Felgo 4.0 import QtQuick 2.0 GameWindow { // the size of the Window can be changed at runtime by pressing the number keys 1-7 // the content of the logical scene size (480x320 by default) gets scaled to the window size based on the scaleMode screenWidth: 960 screenHeight: 640 // You get free licenseKeys from https://felgo.com/licenseKey // With a licenseKey you can: // * Publish your games & apps for the app stores // * Remove the Felgo Splash Screen or set a custom one (available with the Pro Licenses) // * Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps (available with the Pro Licenses) //licenseKey: "<generate one from https://felgo.com/licenseKey>" // create a licenseKey to hide the splash screen property bool splashFinished: false onSplashScreenFinished: { splashFinished = true} // this gets set from Monster, after it reached the player and is read by the GameOverScene to display if the player has won or lost property bool gameWon property int monstersDestroyed onMonstersDestroyedChanged: { if(monstersDestroyed > 5) { // you won the game, shot at 5 monsters changeToGameOverScene(true) } } // for creating entities (monsters and projectiles) at runtime dynamically EntityManager { id: entityManager entityContainer: scene } BackgroundMusic { source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/snd/background-music-aac.wav") // will start playing automatically after loading } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "white" // make a white background for the window } Scene { id: scene // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size width: 480 height: 320 PhysicsWorld {debugDrawVisible: false} // put it anywhere in the Scene, so the collision detection between monsters and projectiles can be done MultiResolutionImage { id: player anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/Player.png") // the correct image version is used, based on the GameWindow size } // the elements of a component don't get created immediately, but in addTarget() // the EntityBase could also be put into an own qml file (e.g. Monster.qml) Component { id: monster EntityBase { entityType: "monster" // required for removing all of these entities when the game is lost MultiResolutionImage { id: monsterImage source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/Target.png") } y: utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0, scene.height) NumberAnimation on x { from: scene.width // start at the right side to: -monsterImage.width // move the monster to the left side of the screen duration: utils.generateRandomValueBetween(2000, 4000) // vary animation duration between 2-4 seconds for the 480 px scene width onStopped: { console.debug("monster reached base - change to gameover scene because the player lost") changeToGameOverScene(false) } } BoxCollider { anchors.fill: monsterImage // make the collider as big as the image collisionTestingOnlyMode: true // use Box2D only for collision detection, move the entity with the NumberAnimation above fixture.onBeginContact: (other, contactNormal) => { // if the collided type was a projectile, both can be destroyed and the player gets a point var collidedEntity = other.getBody().target console.debug("collided with entity", collidedEntity.entityType) // monsters could also collide with other monsters because they have a random speed - alternatively, collider categories could be used if(collidedEntity.entityType === "projectile") { monstersDestroyed++ // remove the projectile entity collidedEntity.removeEntity() // remove the monster removeEntity() } } }// BoxCollider }// EntityBase }// Component Component { id: projectile EntityBase { entityType: "projectile" MultiResolutionImage { id: monsterImage source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/Projectile.png") } // these values can then be set when a new projectile is created in the MouseArea below property point destination property int moveDuration PropertyAnimation on x { from: player.x to: destination.x duration: moveDuration } PropertyAnimation on y { from: player.y to: destination.y duration: moveDuration } BoxCollider { anchors.fill: monsterImage collisionTestingOnlyMode: true } }// EntityBase }// Component GameSoundEffect { id: projectileCreationSound source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/snd/pew-pew-lei.wav") // gets played when a projectile is created below } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onReleased: { // see here for an explanation of this code: http://www.raywenderlich.com/25736/how-to-make-a-simple-iphone-game-with-cocos2d-2-x-tutorial // Determinie offset of player to touch location var offset = Qt.point( mouseX - player.x, mouseY - player.y ); // Bail out if we are shooting down or backwards if(offset.x <= 0) return; // Determine where we wish to shoot the projectile to var realX = scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width var ratio = offset.y / offset.x var realY = (realX * ratio) + player.y var destination = Qt.point(realX, realY) // Determine the length of how far we're shooting var offReal = Qt.point(realX - player.x, realY - player.y) var length = Math.sqrt(offReal.x*offReal.x + offReal.y*offReal.y) var velocity = 480 // speed of the projectile should be 480pt per second var realMoveDuration = length / velocity * 1000 // multiply by 1000 because duration of projectile is in milliseconds entityManager.createEntityFromComponentWithProperties(projectile, {"destination": destination, "moveDuration": realMoveDuration}) projectileCreationSound.play() } }// onReleased }// MouseArea // switch to this scene, after the game was lost or won and it switches back to the gameScene after 3 seconds Scene { id: gameOverScene visible: false Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: gameWon ? "You won :)" : "You lost" } onVisibleChanged: { if(visible) { returnToGameSceneTimer.start() // make the scene invisible after 3 seconds, after it got visible } } Timer { id: returnToGameSceneTimer interval: 3000 onTriggered: { scene.visible = true gameOverScene.visible = false } } }// GameOverScene Timer { running: scene.visible == true && splashFinished // only enable the creation timer, when the gameScene is visible repeat: true interval: 1000 // a new target(=monster) is spawned every second onTriggered: addTarget() } function addTarget() { console.debug("create a new monster") entityManager.createEntityFromComponent(monster) } function changeToGameOverScene(won) { gameWon = won gameOverScene.visible = true scene.visible = false // reset the game variables and remove all projectiles and monsters monstersDestroyed = 0 entityManager.removeEntitiesByFilter(["projectile", "monster"]) } }
The cocos2d-x source code is available in the cocos2d-x-Comparison subfolder of this demo, which was copied from the cocos2d-x master branch.