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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import "pages"
 import "common"

 App {
   id: app
   licenseKey: AppSettings.licenseKey

   property color secondaryTintColor: "#09102b"

   property string ratingUrl: system.isPlatform(System.IOS) ? "itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/at/app/id1484310915?mt=8" :
                              system.isPlatform(System.Android) ? "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.vplay.demos.qtws2019" :

   onInitTheme: {
     // default theme setup
     Theme.colors.tintColor = "#41cd52"
     Theme.navigationBar.backgroundColor = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.isAndroid || Theme.isDesktop  ? app.secondaryTintColor : "#f8f8f8" })

     // tab bar
     Theme.tabBar.backgroundColor = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.isAndroid || Theme.isDesktop ? app.secondaryTintColor : "#f8f8f8" })
     Theme.tabBar.markerColor = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.tintColor })
     Theme.tabBar.titleColor = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.tintColor })
     Theme.tabBar.titleOffColor = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.secondaryTextColor })

     // status bar
     Theme.colors.statusBarStyle = Qt.binding(function() { return Theme.isAndroid || Theme.isDesktop ? Theme.colors.statusBarStyleWhite : Theme.colors.statusBarStyleBlack })
     Theme.dialog.buttonTextSize = 18

   // handle Android back button (show dialog before closing application) // @disable-check M16
   onBackButtonPressedGlobally: {
     // only handle if on main page of app (back button jumps to main page otherwise)
     if(loaderItem.navigation && loaderItem.navigation.currentIndex !== 0)

     // only handle if on first page of navigation stack (back button pops page otherwise)
     if(loaderItem.navigation && loaderItem.navigation.currentNavigationItem.navigationStack.depth !== 1)

     // do not handle if navigation drawer is open (back button closes drawer in this case)

     // do nothing if window is already closed

     // show confirmation dialog before quitting
     NativeDialog.confirm(qsTr("Really quit this app?"), "", function(ok) {
     }, true)

     event.accepted = true // prevent immediate quit (back button default action)

   // local notifications
   NotificationManager {
     id: notificationManager

Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded