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QZXing.cpp Example File

 #include "QZXing.h"

 #include <zxing/common/GlobalHistogramBinarizer.h>
 #include <zxing/Binarizer.h>
 #include <zxing/BinaryBitmap.h>
 #include <zxing/MultiFormatReader.h>
 #include <zxing/DecodeHints.h>
 #include "CameraImageWrapper.h"
 #include "ImageHandler.h"
 #include <QTime>
 #include <QUrl>
 #include <QFileInfo>
 #include <zxing/qrcode/encoder/Encoder.h>
 #include <zxing/qrcode/ErrorCorrectionLevel.h>
 #include <zxing/common/detector/WhiteRectangleDetector.h>
 #include <QColor>

 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700 && QT_VERSION < 0x050000
     #include <QtDeclarative>
 #elif QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
     #include <QtQml/qqml.h>

     #include "QZXingFilter.h"

 #ifdef QZXING_QML
     #include <QQmlEngine>
     #include <QQmlContext>
     #include <QQuickImageProvider>
     #include "QZXingImageProvider.h"
 #endif //QZXING_QML

 using namespace zxing;

 QZXing::QZXing(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), tryHarder_(false)
     decoder = new MultiFormatReader();
     setDecoder(DecoderFormat_QR_CODE |
                DecoderFormat_DATA_MATRIX |
                DecoderFormat_UPC_E |
                DecoderFormat_UPC_A |
                DecoderFormat_UPC_EAN_EXTENSION |
                DecoderFormat_RSS_14 |
                DecoderFormat_RSS_EXPANDED |
                DecoderFormat_PDF_417 |
                DecoderFormat_MAXICODE |
                DecoderFormat_EAN_8 |
                DecoderFormat_EAN_13 |
                DecoderFormat_CODE_128 |
                DecoderFormat_CODE_93 |
                DecoderFormat_CODE_39 |
                DecoderFormat_CODABAR |
                DecoderFormat_ITF |
     imageHandler = new ImageHandler();

     if (imageHandler)
         delete imageHandler;

     if (decoder)
         delete decoder;

 QZXing::QZXing(QZXing::DecoderFormat decodeHints, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
     decoder = new MultiFormatReader();
     imageHandler = new ImageHandler();


 #ifdef QZXING_QML

 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700
 void QZXing::registerQMLTypes()
     qmlRegisterType<QZXing>("QZXing", 2, 3, "QZXing");

     qmlRegisterType<QZXingFilter>("QZXing", 2, 3, "QZXingFilter");

 #endif //QT_VERSION >= Qt 4.7

 #if  QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
 void QZXing::registerQMLImageProvider(QQmlEngine& engine)
     engine.addImageProvider(QLatin1String("QZXing"), QZXingImageProvider::getInstance());
 #endif //QT_VERSION >= Qt 5.0

 #endif //QZXING_QML

 void QZXing::setTryHarder(bool tryHarder)
     tryHarder_ = tryHarder;

 bool QZXing::getTryHarder()
     return tryHarder_;

 QString QZXing::decoderFormatToString(int fmt)
     switch (fmt) {
     case DecoderFormat_Aztec:
         return "AZTEC";

     case DecoderFormat_CODABAR:
         return "CODABAR";

     case DecoderFormat_CODE_39:
         return "CODE_39";

     case DecoderFormat_CODE_93:
         return "CODE_93";

     case DecoderFormat_CODE_128:
         return "CODE_128";

     case DecoderFormat_CODE_128_GS1:
         return "CODE_128_GS1";

     case DecoderFormat_DATA_MATRIX:
         return "DATA_MATRIX";

     case DecoderFormat_EAN_8:
         return "EAN_8";

     case DecoderFormat_EAN_13:
         return "EAN_13";

     case DecoderFormat_ITF:
         return "ITF";

     case DecoderFormat_MAXICODE:
         return "MAXICODE";

     case DecoderFormat_PDF_417:
         return "PDF_417";

     case DecoderFormat_QR_CODE:
         return "QR_CODE";

     case DecoderFormat_RSS_14:
         return "RSS_14";

     case DecoderFormat_RSS_EXPANDED:
         return "RSS_EXPANDED";

     case DecoderFormat_UPC_A:
         return "UPC_A";

     case DecoderFormat_UPC_E:
         return "UPC_E";

     case DecoderFormat_UPC_EAN_EXTENSION:
         return "UPC_EAN_EXTENSION";
     } // switch
     return QString();

 QString QZXing::foundedFormat() const
     return foundedFmt;

 QString QZXing::charSet() const
     return charSet_;

 void QZXing::setDecoder(const uint &hint)
     unsigned int newHints = 0;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_Aztec)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::AZTEC_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_CODABAR)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::CODABAR_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_CODE_39)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::CODE_39_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_CODE_93)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::CODE_93_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_CODE_128)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::CODE_128_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_DATA_MATRIX)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::DATA_MATRIX_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_EAN_8)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::EAN_8_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_EAN_13)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::EAN_13_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_ITF)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::ITF_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_MAXICODE)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::MAXICODE_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_PDF_417)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::PDF_417_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_QR_CODE)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::QR_CODE_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_RSS_14)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::RSS_14_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_RSS_EXPANDED)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::RSS_EXPANDED_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_UPC_A)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::UPC_A_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_UPC_E)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::UPC_E_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_UPC_EAN_EXTENSION)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::UPC_EAN_EXTENSION_HINT;

     if(hint & DecoderFormat_CODE_128_GS1)
         newHints |= DecodeHints::CODE_128_HINT;
         newHints |= DecodeHints::ASSUME_GS1;

     enabledDecoders = newHints;

     emit enabledFormatsChanged();

  * \brief getTagRec - returns rectangle containing the tag.
  * To be able display tag rectangle regardless of the size of the bit matrix rect is in related coordinates [0; 1].
  * \param resultPoints
  * \param bitMatrix
  * \return
 QRectF getTagRect(const ArrayRef<Ref<ResultPoint> > &resultPoints, const Ref<BitMatrix> &bitMatrix)
     if (resultPoints->size() < 2)
         return QRectF();

     int matrixWidth = bitMatrix->getWidth();
     int matrixHeight = bitMatrix->getHeight();
     // 1D barcode
     if (resultPoints->size() == 2) {
         WhiteRectangleDetector detector(bitMatrix);
         std::vector<Ref<ResultPoint> > resultRectPoints = detector.detect();

         if (resultRectPoints.size() != 4)
             return QRectF();

         qreal xMin = resultPoints[0]->getX();
         qreal xMax = xMin;
         for (unsigned int i = 1; i < resultPoints->size(); ++i) {
             qreal x = resultPoints[i]->getX();
             if (x < xMin)
                 xMin = x;
             if (x > xMax)
                 xMax = x;

         qreal yMin = resultRectPoints[0]->getY();
         qreal yMax = yMin;
         for (unsigned int i = 1; i < resultRectPoints.size(); ++i) {
             qreal y = resultRectPoints[i]->getY();
             if (y < yMin)
                 yMin = y;
             if (y > yMax)
                 yMax = y;

         return QRectF(QPointF(xMin / matrixWidth, yMax / matrixHeight), QPointF(xMax / matrixWidth, yMin / matrixHeight));

     // 2D QR code
     if (resultPoints->size() == 4) {
         qreal xMin = resultPoints[0]->getX();
         qreal xMax = xMin;
         qreal yMin = resultPoints[0]->getY();
         qreal yMax = yMin;
         for (unsigned int i = 1; i < resultPoints->size(); ++i) {
             qreal x = resultPoints[i]->getX();
             qreal y = resultPoints[i]->getY();
             if (x < xMin)
                 xMin = x;
             if (x > xMax)
                 xMax = x;
             if (y < yMin)
                 yMin = y;
             if (y > yMax)
                 yMax = y;

         return QRectF(QPointF(xMin / matrixWidth, yMax / matrixHeight), QPointF(xMax / matrixWidth, yMin / matrixHeight));

     return QRectF();

 QString QZXing::decodeImage(const QImage &image, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, bool smoothTransformation)
     QTime t;
     Ref<Result> res;
     emit decodingStarted();

         emit decodingFinished(false);
         processingTime = t.elapsed();
         return "";

     CameraImageWrapper *ciw = NULL;

     if ((maxWidth > 0) || (maxHeight > 0))
         ciw = CameraImageWrapper::Factory(image, maxWidth, maxHeight, smoothTransformation);
         ciw = CameraImageWrapper::Factory(image, 999, 999, true);

     QString errorMessage = "Unknown";
     try {
         Ref<LuminanceSource> imageRef(ciw);
         Ref<GlobalHistogramBinarizer> binz( new GlobalHistogramBinarizer(imageRef) );
         Ref<BinaryBitmap> bb( new BinaryBitmap(binz) );

         DecodeHints hints((int)enabledDecoders);

         bool hasSucceded = false;
         try {
             res = decoder->decode(bb, hints);
             hasSucceded = true;
         }catch(zxing::Exception &e){}


             try {
                 res = decoder->decode(bb, hints);
                 hasSucceded = true;
             } catch(zxing::Exception &e) {}

             if (tryHarder_ && bb->isRotateSupported()) {
                 Ref<BinaryBitmap> bbTmp = bb;

                 for (int i=0; (i<3 && !hasSucceded); i++) {
                     Ref<BinaryBitmap> rotatedImage(bbTmp->rotateCounterClockwise());
                     bbTmp = rotatedImage;

                     try {
                         res = decoder->decode(rotatedImage, hints);
                         processingTime = t.elapsed();
                         hasSucceded = true;
                     } catch(zxing::Exception &e) {}

         if (hasSucceded) {
             QString string = QString(res->getText()->getText().c_str());
             if (!string.isEmpty() && (string.length() > 0)) {
                 int fmt = res->getBarcodeFormat().value;
                 foundedFmt = decoderFormatToString(fmt);
                 charSet_ = QString::fromStdString(res->getCharSet());
                 if (!charSet_.isEmpty()) {
                     QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(res->getCharSet().c_str());
                     if (codec)
                         string = codec->toUnicode(res->getText()->getText().c_str());

                 emit tagFound(string);
                 emit tagFoundAdvanced(string, foundedFmt, charSet_);

                 try {
                     const QRectF rect = getTagRect(res->getResultPoints(), binz->getBlackMatrix());
                     emit tagFoundAdvanced(string, foundedFmt, charSet_, rect);
                 }catch(zxing::Exception &/*e*/){}
             emit decodingFinished(true);
             return string;
     catch(zxing::Exception &e)
         errorMessage = QString(e.what());

     emit error(errorMessage);
     emit decodingFinished(false);
     processingTime = t.elapsed();
     return "";

 QString QZXing::decodeImageFromFile(const QString& imageFilePath, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, bool smoothTransformation)
     // used to have a check if this image exists
     // but was removed because if the image file path doesn't point to a valid image
     // then the QImage::isNull will return true and the decoding will fail eitherway.
     const QString header = "file://";

     QString filePath = imageFilePath;
         filePath = imageFilePath.right(imageFilePath.size() - header.size());

     QUrl imageUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath);
     QImage tmpImage = QImage(imageUrl.toLocalFile());
     return decodeImage(tmpImage, maxWidth, maxHeight, smoothTransformation);

 QString QZXing::decodeImageQML(QObject *item)
     return decodeSubImageQML(item);

 QString QZXing::decodeSubImageQML(QObject *item,
                                   const int offsetX, const int offsetY,
                                   const int width, const int height)
     if(item  == NULL)
         processingTime = 0;
         emit decodingFinished(false);
         return "";

     QImage img = imageHandler->extractQImage(item, offsetX, offsetY, width, height);

     return decodeImage(img);

 QString QZXing::decodeImageQML(const QUrl &imageUrl)
     return decodeSubImageQML(imageUrl);

 QString QZXing::decodeSubImageQML(const QUrl &imageUrl,
                                   const int offsetX, const int offsetY,
                                   const int width, const int height)
 #ifdef QZXING_QML

     QString imagePath = imageUrl.path();
     imagePath = imagePath.trimmed();
     QImage img;
     if (imageUrl.scheme() == "image") {
         if (imagePath.startsWith("/"))
             imagePath = imagePath.right(imagePath.length() - 1);
         QQmlEngine *engine = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine();
         QQuickImageProvider *imageProvider = static_cast<QQuickImageProvider *>(engine->imageProvider(imageUrl.host()));
         QSize imgSize;
         img = imageProvider->requestImage(imagePath, &imgSize, QSize());
     } else {
         QFileInfo fileInfo(imagePath);
         if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
             qDebug() << "[decodeSubImageQML()] The file" << imagePath << "does not exist.";
             emit decodingFinished(false);
             return "";
         img = QImage(imagePath);

     if (offsetX || offsetY || width || height)
         img = img.copy(offsetX, offsetY, width, height);
     return decodeImage(img);
     return decodeImage(QImage());
 #endif //QZXING_QML

 QImage QZXing::encodeData(const QString& data)
     QImage image;
     try {
         Ref<qrcode::QRCode> barcode = qrcode::Encoder::encode(data.toStdString(), qrcode::ErrorCorrectionLevel::L );
         Ref<qrcode::ByteMatrix> bytesRef = barcode->getMatrix();
         const std::vector< std::vector <zxing::byte> >& bytes = bytesRef->getArray();
         image = QImage(bytesRef->getWidth(), bytesRef->getHeight(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
         for(int i=0; i<bytesRef->getWidth(); i++)
             for(int j=0; j<bytesRef->getHeight(); j++)
                 image.setPixel(i, j, bytes[i][j] ?
                                    qRgb(0,0,0) :

         image = image.scaled(240, 240);
 #ifdef QZXING_QML
 #endif //QZXING_QML
     } catch (std::exception& e) {
         std::cout << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;

     return image;

 int QZXing::getProcessTimeOfLastDecoding()
     return processingTime;

 uint QZXing::getEnabledFormats() const
     return enabledDecoders;
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded