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DataMatrixBitMatrixParser.cpp Example File

  *  BitMatrixParser.cpp
  *  zxing
  *  Created by Luiz Silva on 09/02/2010.
  *  Copyright 2010 ZXing authors All rights reserved.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 #include <zxing/datamatrix/decoder/BitMatrixParser.h>
 #include <zxing/common/IllegalArgumentException.h>

 #include <iostream>

 namespace zxing {
 namespace datamatrix {

 int BitMatrixParser::copyBit(size_t x, size_t y, int versionBits) {
   return bitMatrix_->get(x, y) ? (versionBits << 1) | 0x1 : versionBits << 1;

 BitMatrixParser::BitMatrixParser(Ref<BitMatrix> bitMatrix) : bitMatrix_(NULL),
                                                              readBitMatrix_(NULL) {
   size_t dimension = bitMatrix->getHeight();
   if (dimension < 8 || dimension > 144 || (dimension & 0x01) != 0)
     throw ReaderException("Dimension must be even, > 8 < 144");

   parsedVersion_ = readVersion(bitMatrix);
   bitMatrix_ = extractDataRegion(bitMatrix);
   readBitMatrix_ = new BitMatrix(bitMatrix_->getWidth(), bitMatrix_->getHeight());

 Ref<Version> BitMatrixParser::readVersion(Ref<BitMatrix> bitMatrix) {
   if (parsedVersion_ != 0) {
     return parsedVersion_;

   int numRows = bitMatrix->getHeight();
   int numColumns = bitMatrix->getWidth();

   Ref<Version> version = parsedVersion_->getVersionForDimensions(numRows, numColumns);
   if (version != 0) {
     return version;
   throw ReaderException("Couldn't decode version");

 ArrayRef<byte> BitMatrixParser::readCodewords() {
     ArrayRef<byte> result(parsedVersion_->getTotalCodewords());
     int resultOffset = 0;
     int row = 4;
     int column = 0;

     int numRows = bitMatrix_->getHeight();
     int numColumns = bitMatrix_->getWidth();

     bool corner1Read = false;
     bool corner2Read = false;
     bool corner3Read = false;
     bool corner4Read = false;

     // Read all of the codewords
     do {
       // Check the four corner cases
       if ((row == numRows) && (column == 0) && !corner1Read) {
         result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readCorner1(numRows, numColumns);
         row -= 2;
         column +=2;
         corner1Read = true;
       } else if ((row == numRows-2) && (column == 0) && ((numColumns & 0x03) != 0) && !corner2Read) {
         result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readCorner2(numRows, numColumns);
         row -= 2;
         column +=2;
         corner2Read = true;
       } else if ((row == numRows+4) && (column == 2) && ((numColumns & 0x07) == 0) && !corner3Read) {
         result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readCorner3(numRows, numColumns);
         row -= 2;
         column +=2;
         corner3Read = true;
       } else if ((row == numRows-2) && (column == 0) && ((numColumns & 0x07) == 4) && !corner4Read) {
         result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readCorner4(numRows, numColumns);
         row -= 2;
         column +=2;
         corner4Read = true;
       } else {
         // Sweep upward diagonally to the right
         do {
           if ((row < numRows) && (column >= 0) && !readBitMatrix_->get(column, row)) {
             result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readUtah(row, column, numRows, numColumns);
           row -= 2;
           column +=2;
         } while ((row >= 0) && (column < numColumns));
         row += 1;
         column +=3;

         // Sweep downward diagonally to the left
         do {
           if ((row >= 0) && (column < numColumns) && !readBitMatrix_->get(column, row)) {
              result[resultOffset++] = (byte) readUtah(row, column, numRows, numColumns);
           row += 2;
           column -=2;
         } while ((row < numRows) && (column >= 0));
         row += 3;
         column +=1;
     } while ((row < numRows) || (column < numColumns));

     if (resultOffset != parsedVersion_->getTotalCodewords()) {
       throw ReaderException("Did not read all codewords");
     return result;

 bool BitMatrixParser::readModule(int row, int column, int numRows, int numColumns) {
     // Adjust the row and column indices based on boundary wrapping
     if (row < 0) {
       row += numRows;
       column += 4 - ((numRows + 4) & 0x07);
     if (column < 0) {
       column += numColumns;
       row += 4 - ((numColumns + 4) & 0x07);
     readBitMatrix_->set(column, row);
     return bitMatrix_->get(column, row);

 int BitMatrixParser::readUtah(int row, int column, int numRows, int numColumns) {
     int currentByte = 0;
     if (readModule(row - 2, column - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row - 2, column - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row - 1, column - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row - 1, column - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row - 1, column, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row, column - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row, column - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(row, column, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     return currentByte;

 int BitMatrixParser::readCorner1(int numRows, int numColumns) {
     int currentByte = 0;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(2, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(3, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     return currentByte;

 int BitMatrixParser::readCorner2(int numRows, int numColumns) {
     int currentByte = 0;
     if (readModule(numRows - 3, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 2, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 4, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 3, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     return currentByte;

 int BitMatrixParser::readCorner3(int numRows, int numColumns) {
     int currentByte = 0;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 3, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 3, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     return currentByte;

 int BitMatrixParser::readCorner4(int numRows, int numColumns) {
     int currentByte = 0;
     if (readModule(numRows - 3, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 2, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(numRows - 1, 0, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 2, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(0, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(1, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(2, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     currentByte <<= 1;
     if (readModule(3, numColumns - 1, numRows, numColumns)) {
       currentByte |= 1;
     return currentByte;

 Ref<BitMatrix> BitMatrixParser::extractDataRegion(Ref<BitMatrix> bitMatrix) {
     int symbolSizeRows = parsedVersion_->getSymbolSizeRows();
     int symbolSizeColumns = parsedVersion_->getSymbolSizeColumns();

     if ((int)bitMatrix->getHeight() != symbolSizeRows) {
       throw IllegalArgumentException("Dimension of bitMatrix must match the version size");

     int dataRegionSizeRows = parsedVersion_->getDataRegionSizeRows();
     int dataRegionSizeColumns = parsedVersion_->getDataRegionSizeColumns();

     int numDataRegionsRow = symbolSizeRows / dataRegionSizeRows;
     int numDataRegionsColumn = symbolSizeColumns / dataRegionSizeColumns;

     int sizeDataRegionRow = numDataRegionsRow * dataRegionSizeRows;
     int sizeDataRegionColumn = numDataRegionsColumn * dataRegionSizeColumns;

     Ref<BitMatrix> bitMatrixWithoutAlignment(new BitMatrix(sizeDataRegionColumn, sizeDataRegionRow));
     for (int dataRegionRow = 0; dataRegionRow < numDataRegionsRow; ++dataRegionRow) {
       int dataRegionRowOffset = dataRegionRow * dataRegionSizeRows;
       for (int dataRegionColumn = 0; dataRegionColumn < numDataRegionsColumn; ++dataRegionColumn) {
         int dataRegionColumnOffset = dataRegionColumn * dataRegionSizeColumns;
         for (int i = 0; i < dataRegionSizeRows; ++i) {
           int readRowOffset = dataRegionRow * (dataRegionSizeRows + 2) + 1 + i;
           int writeRowOffset = dataRegionRowOffset + i;
           for (int j = 0; j < dataRegionSizeColumns; ++j) {
             int readColumnOffset = dataRegionColumn * (dataRegionSizeColumns + 2) + 1 + j;
             if (bitMatrix->get(readColumnOffset, readRowOffset)) {
               int writeColumnOffset = dataRegionColumnOffset + j;
               bitMatrixWithoutAlignment->set(writeColumnOffset, writeRowOffset);
     return bitMatrixWithoutAlignment;

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