Learn what Felgo offers to help your business succeed. Start your free evaluation today! Felgo for Your Business

Component Showcase Demo App

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.5
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as Quick2
 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 as QtLabs
 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
 import "../controls"
 import "../common"

 Page {
   id: controlsPage

   // configure custom rightBarItem for navigation bar of widgets page
   rightBarItem:  NavigationBarRow {
     id: rightNavBarRow

     TextButtonBarItem {
       text: Theme.tintColor !== Qt.rgba(0.25,0.25,0.25,1) ? "Grey" : "Color"
       textItem.font.pixelSize: sp(16)
       title: text
       showItem: Theme.isAndroid ? showItemNever : showItemAlways

       // switch theme color when clicked
       property color prevColor
       onClicked: {
         if(text.toLowerCase() === "grey") {
           prevColor = Theme.tintColor
           Theme.colors.tintColor = Qt.rgba(0.25,0.25,0.25,1)
           Theme.colors.tintColor = prevColor

     IconButtonBarItem {
       onClicked: NativeDialog.confirm("Controls", "This page shows different controls you can use in your app.",
                                       function(ok){}, false)
       title: "Info"
       icon: IconType.info

   // define quick controls colors
   Material.accent: Theme.tintColor

   AppTabBar {
     id: controlsTabBar
     AppTabButton { text: "iOS" }
     AppTabButton { text: system.isPlatform(1) ? "Custom" : "Android" }
     onCurrentIndexChanged: {
       var target = currentIndex == 0 ? "ios" : (currentIndex == 1 ? "android" : "windows")
       if(target !== Theme.platform)
         Theme.platform = target
     Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = Theme.isIos ? 0 : Theme.isAndroid ? 1 : 2
     Connections {
       target: Theme
       onPlatformChanged: {
         var idx = 2
         if(Theme.platform === "ios")
           idx = 0
         else if(Theme.platform === "android")
           idx = 1
         if(controlsTabBar.currentIndex !== idx)
           controlsTabBar.currentIndex = idx

   // page item container
   Item {
     anchors.top: controlsTabBar.bottom
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     width: parent.width

     AppFlickable {
       id: scroll
       anchors.fill: parent
       contentHeight: content.height

       // remove focus from controls if clicked outside
       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: scroll.forceActiveFocus()

       // content
       Column  {
         id: content
         width: parent.width
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

         // remove the header because it looks strange if the controls are above the search bar. also, the info that these are controls is already in the tab name
         //SectionHeader { image: "../../assets/felgo-logo.png"; text: "Felgo Controls" }

         SearchBar {
           id: searchBar
           iosAlternateStyle: true
           onAccepted: {
             NativeDialog.confirm("Search", "This is a search bar with a platform-specific look.", function(){}, false)

         SectionDescription { text: "Felgo offers a pre-defined style for Android and iOS based on the app theme. Toggle the switch below to change the platform theme." }

         // arrange the components based on their usefulness & how well they look native (eg AppCheckBox does not really look native thus move it further down)
         // switch
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppSwitch"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Row {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               spacing: parent.spacing
               AppText {
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 text: system.isPlatform(1) ? "Custom Theme:" : "iOS Theme:"
               AppSwitch {
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 checked: Theme.isAndroid && system.isPlatform(1) || Theme.isIos && !system.isPlatform(1)
                 updateChecked: false
                 onToggled: {
                     Theme.platform = checked ? "ios" : "android"
                     Theme.platform = checked ? "android" : "ios"

         // button
         SectionContent {
           contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppButton"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Row { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               AppButton { id: normButton; verticalMargin: 0; text: "Normal"; flat: false; onClicked: text = text === "Normal" ? "Clicked" : "Normal" }
               AppButton { id: flatButton; verticalMargin: 0; text: "Flat"; flat: true; onClicked: text = text === "Flat" ? "Clicked" : "Flat" }
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // slider
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppSlider"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             AppSlider { implicitWidth: dp(200); anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }

         // range slider
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppRangeSlider"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             AppRangeSlider { implicitWidth: dp(200); anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // checkbox
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppCheckBox"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             AppCheckBox { text: !checked ? "Check Me!" : "Checked"; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }

         // text field
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppTextField"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             AppTextField {  implicitWidth: dp(200); placeholderText: "Enter text ..."; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // text edit
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "AppTextEdit"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             CustomAppTextEdit {  anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }

         // busy indicator
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "BusyIndicator"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Quick2.BusyIndicator {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               running: true; implicitWidth: dp(48); implicitHeight: width
               visible: !Theme.isIos
             AppImage {
               id: iosActivity
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               source: "../../assets/iosactivity.png"
               width: dp(28)
               height: dp(28)
               smooth: true
               antialiasing: true

               Timer {
                 running: true
                 repeat: true
                 interval: 100
                 onTriggered: {
                   iosActivity.rotation += 30
                   if(iosActivity.rotation === 360)
                     iosActivity.rotation = 0
               visible: Theme.isIos
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // time picker dialog
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "Time or Date Picker (only iOS style)"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Row {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               spacing: parent.spacing
               AppText {
                 text: "Time: "+leadingZero(timePickerDialog.time.hour)+":"+leadingZero(timePickerDialog.time.minute)
                 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                 function leadingZero(number) {
                   return ('00' + number).slice(-2)
               AppButton { flat: false; text: "Set"; onClicked: timePickerDialog.open(); anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
         } // time picker

         // FloatingActionButton
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             width: parent.width
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "ActionButton (only Android style)"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             FloatingActionButton {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               icon: IconType.star
               onClicked: icon === IconType.star ? icon = IconType.envelope : icon = IconType.star
               anchors.bottom: undefined
               anchors.right: undefined
               visible: true
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // quick controls 2
         SectionSpacer { color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor }
         SectionHeader { icon: IconType.book; text: "Qt Quick Controls 2" }
         SectionDescription { text: "Choose between three different styles, including Material-design." }

         // combobox
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "ComboBox"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             CustomComboBox { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;  model: ["First", "Second", "Third"] }

         // dial
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "Dial"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Quick2.Dial {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               implicitWidth: dp(96); implicitHeight: implicitWidth
               padding: 0
               AppText { text: Math.round(parent.position * 100); font.pixelSize: sp(10); anchors.centerIn: parent }
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // progress bar
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "ProgressBar"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Quick2.ProgressBar {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               implicitWidth: 200; indeterminate: true
               scale: dp(0.85)
             Quick2.ProgressBar {
               id: progressBar
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               implicitWidth: 200
               scale: dp(0.85)
               PropertyAnimation {
                 target: progressBar; property: "value"; from: 0; to: 1; duration: 3000;
                 running: true; loops: Animation.Infinite

         // radio button
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "RadioButton"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Column {
               id: radioColumn
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               CustomRadioButton { checked: true; text: "One" }
               CustomRadioButton { text: "Two" }
               CustomRadioButton { text: "Three" }
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // spin box
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "SpinBox"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             // wrapper item for correct layout of scaled spinbox
             Item {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               implicitWidth: spinBox.implicitWidth * spinBox.scale
               implicitHeight: spinBox.implicitHeight * spinBox.scale
               Quick2.SpinBox {
                 id: spinBox
                 scale: dp(0.85) // density-dependent scaling
                 from: 0; to: 100; stepSize: 1
                 editable: true
                 anchors.centerIn: parent

         // tool tip
         SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "ToolTip"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             CustomToolTipButton {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               text: "Press and Hold"
               toolTip: "A simple ToolTip"
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

         // tumbler
         /* SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             spacing: dp(10)
             AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "Tumbler"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
             Row {
               anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
               id: dateRow
               spacing: dp(2)
               property var curDate: new Date()

                 id: dateTumbler
                 model: 31
                 processDelegateText: parent.twoDigits
                 id: monthTumbler
                 model: 12
                 processDelegateText: parent.twoDigits
                 id: yearTumbler
                 model: 100
                 // display text for current year and [model] years back
                 property int offset: dateRow.curDate.getFullYear() - (model * 0.75)
                 processDelegateText: function(text) {
                   return offset + parseInt(text)

               // initialize tumblers
               Component.onCompleted: {
                 dateTumbler.currentIndex = dateRow.curDate.getDate() - 1
                 monthTumbler.currentIndex = dateRow.curDate.getMonth()
                 yearTumbler.currentIndex = dateRow.curDate.getFullYear() - yearTumbler.offset

               // adds + 1 to value a leading zero if required
               function twoDigits(value) {
                 return ("0" + (parseInt(value) + 1)).slice(-2)
         } // tumbler */
       } // content grid
     } // flickable

     // time picker dialog
     TimePickerDialog { id: timePickerDialog }

     // declare radio button group
     Quick2.ButtonGroup {
       buttons: radioColumn.children

     // add scroll indicator
     ScrollIndicator {
       flickable: scroll
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded