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Todo List Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 Item {

   // property to configure target dispatcher / logic
   property alias dispatcher: logicConnection.target

   // whether api is busy (ongoing network requests)
   readonly property bool isBusy: api.busy

   // whether todos are currently being fetched
   readonly property bool isFetchingTodos: _.isFetchingTodos

   // whether a storeTodo request is running
   readonly property bool isStoringTodos: _.storeTodoRequests > 0

   // model data properties
   readonly property var todos: _.storedTodos.concat(_.todos)
   readonly property alias todoDetails: _.todoDetails
   readonly property alias draftTodos: _.draftTodos

   // paging settings
   readonly property alias numberOfPages: _.numberOfPages
   readonly property int todosPerPage: 25

   // action success signals
   signal draftTodoCreated(var todo)
   signal todoStored(int draftId, int todoId)

   // action error signals
   signal fetchTodosFailed(var error)
   signal fetchTodoDetailsFailed(int id, var error)
   signal storeDraftTodoFailed(var todo, var error)

   // listen to actions from dispatcher
   Connections {
     id: logicConnection

     // action 1 - fetchTodos
     onFetchTodos: {
       // check cached value first
       var cached = cache.getValue("todos")
         _.todos = cached

       // load from api
       _.isFetchingTodos = true
             function(data) {
               // cache data before updating model property

               // note: the dummy API does not support paging
               // we thus actually fetch all items and slice the result here
               _.todos = data.slice(0, numberOfPages * todosPerPage)
               _.isFetchingTodos = false
             function(error) {
               // action failed if no cached data
               _.isFetchingTodos = false

       // also fetch stored todos from cache, dummy REST API doesn't store new todos
       var stored = cache.getValue("storedTodos")
         _.storedTodos = stored

     // action 2 - fetchTodoDetails
     onFetchTodoDetails: {
       // fetch from drafts if id < 0
       if(id < 0) {
         _.draftTodos.forEach(function(item) {
           if(item.id === id) {
             _.todoDetails[id] = item

       // check cached todo details first
       var cached = cache.getValue("todo_"+id)
       if(cached) {
         _.todoDetails[id] = cached
         todoDetailsChanged() // signal change within model to update UI

       // load from api
                       function(data) {
                         // cache data first
                         cache.setValue("todo_"+id, data)
                         _.todoDetails[id] = data
                       function(error) {
                         // action failed if no cached data
                         if(!cached) {
                           fetchTodoDetailsFailed(id, error)

     // action 3 - fetchDraftTodos
     onFetchDraftTodos: {
       // check cached value first
       var cached = cache.getValue("draftTodos")
         _.draftTodos = cached

       // drafts are not stored with api, only locally in cache

     // action 4 - createDraftTodo
     onCreateDraftTodo: {
       // create a copy, do not change the passed data object from caller
       var todoCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(todo))

       // add id and save in drafts
       var latestDraftNr = -(_.todosCount + _.draftTodos.length)
       todoCopy["id"] = latestDraftNr - 1 // negative id means its a draft
       _.draftTodos.unshift(todoCopy) // add to top of draft list

       // cache draft todos
       cache.setValue("draftTodos", _.draftTodos)

       // drafts are not stored with api, only locally

     // action 5 - storeDraftTodo
     onStoreDraftTodo: {
       // create a copy, do not change the passed data object from caller
       var todoCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(todo))

       // remove draftId, api expects no id and assigns a new one
       delete todoCopy["id"]

       // store with api
                   function(data) {
                     // NOTE: Dummy REST API always returns 201 as id of new todo
                     // To simulate a new todo, we set correct local id based on current model
                     data.id = (todo.id * -1)

                     // cache newly added item details
                     cache.setValue("todo_"+data.id, data)

                     // remove draft item
                     for(var i=0; i < _.draftTodos.length; i++) {
                       if(_.draftTodos[i].id === todo.id) {
                         _.draftTodos.splice(i, 1)

                     // add new item to stored todos

                     // cache updated todo list and drafts
                     cache.setValue("draftTodos", _.draftTodos)
                     cache.setValue("storedTodos", _.storedTodos)

                     todoStored(todo.id, data.id)
                   function(error) {
                     storeDraftTodoFailed(todo, error)

     // action 6 - clearCache
     onClearCache: {
       // only clear todos and details, not drafts
       Object.keys(_.todoDetails).forEach(function(id) {

     // action 7 - incrementNumberOfPages
     onIncrementNumberOfPages: _.numberOfPages++

   // only place getter functions here that do not modify the data
   // pages trigger write operations through logic signals only

   // isDraft - function to check whether a todo is a draft
   function isDraft(todo) {
     var isDraft = false

     if(!!todo) {
       for(var i = 0; i < _.draftTodos.length; i++) {
         if(_.draftTodos[i].id === todo.id) {
           isDraft = true

     return isDraft

   // rest api for data access
   RestAPI {
     id: api
     maxRequestTimeout: 3000 // use max request timeout of 3 sec

   // storage for caching
   Storage {
     id: cache

   // private
   Item {
     id: _

     // data properties
     property var todos: []
     property var todoDetails: ({})
     property var draftTodos: []

     property var storedTodos: [] // dummy REST api can't actually store todos, we thus hold them locally
     property int todosCount: 200 + storedTodos.length // 200 initial count, as dummy REST api always has 200 todos

     // properties for request state reporting
     property int storeTodoRequests: 0

     property bool isFetchingTodos: false

     // paging setting
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